West Bengal and Central Government Jobs and Recruitment News | |
- Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) requires 810 Constable (Tradesmen) in various trades. Last Dt. 31/07/2013 (07.08.2013 for far flung areas)
- Kashi Gomti Samyut Gramin Bank (KGS Gramin Bank) requires 492 Officers & Office Asst. (Multipurpose) Last Dt. 24/07/2013
- Western Railway - Recruitment of 560 various posts against Ex-Serviceman Quota. Last Dt. 10/07/2013 (24/07/2013 for far flung areas)
Posted: 29 Jun 2013 06:38 AM PDT ![]() SSB REQUIRES 810 CONSTABLE (TRADESMEN) GROUP C POSTS FOR THE YEAR 2013. LAST DATE OF APPLICATION: 31/07/2013 (07/08/2013 FOR FAR FLUNG CANDIDATES) CONSTABLE (TRADESMEN). TOTAL VACANCIES — 810 Nos. Breakup of vacancies as per trade wise is as follows — 1. Constable (Cook): 251 Nos. (Gen—103; SC—62; ST—31; OBC—55) 2. Constable (Washerman): 195 Nos. (Gen—46; SC—23; ST—54; OBC—72) 3. Constable (Barber): 64 Nos. (Gen—22; SC—7; ST—23; OBC—12) 4. Constable (Safaiwala): 141 Nos. (Gen—57; SC—17; sT—37; OBC—30) 5. Constable (Water Carrier): 89 Nos. (Gen—44; SC—13; ST—8; OBC—24) 6. Constable (Waiter): 6 Nos. (Gen—2; SC—2; ST—1; OBC—1) 7. Constable (Carpenter): 3 Nos. (SC—2; OBC—1) 8. Constable (Painter): 16 Nos. (Gen—13; SC—2; ST—00; OBC—2) 9. Constable (Tailor): 14 Nos. (Gen—7; SC—2; ST—3; OBC—2) 10. Constable (Cobbler): 26 Nos. (Gen—6; SC—4; ST—6; OBC—10) 11. Constable (Gardener): 5 Nos. (Gen—3; ST—1; OBC—1) N.B: Out of total vacancies, 10% of vacancies are reserved of Ex-Serviceman candidates. The number of vacancies are likely to be change. The posts are temporary but likely to be permanent. The recruitment will be conducted on all India basis. Educational Qualification (For all posts): Matriculation or equivalent with (i) 2 years of work experience in the respective trades OR (ii) One year certificate course from a recognized Industrial Training Institute or Vocational Institute with at least one year experience in the Trade OR (iii)Two years Diploma from recognized Industrial Training Institute in the trade or similar trade. Age Limit: between 18yrs to 23yrs as on 31/07/2013. There will be relaxation in age for SC/ST/OBC (i. e. 5 years for SC/ST & 3 years for OBC). For Ex-Serviceman and Others — as per norms. Pay Scale: Rs.5200—20200 and Grade Pay: Rs.2000/- Candidates must meet the following Physical Standards Test (PST) — For Male candidates: Height—167.5 cms (162.5cms for ST); Chest (unexpanded/ expanded) — 78/83 cms (76/81 cms for ST); Weight— Proportionate to height and age. For Female candidates: Height —157 cms; Chest – Not applicable; Weight – proportionate to height and age. Candidates will be have qualify the following Physical Efficiency Test (PET) — For Male candidates: 1. 1 Km race to be completed in 6 minutes 2. Long Jump 11 feet (03 chances) 3. High Jump 3. 5 feet (03 chances) For Female Candidates: 1. 800 Mtr. Race to be completed in 5 minutes 2. Long Jump 9 feet (03 chances) 3. High Jump 3 feet (03 chances) Medical Standard — The minimum distant vision should be 6/6 and 6/9 of two eyes without correction i.e. without wearing of glasses. Candidates must not have knock-knee, flat foot, varicose vein or squint in eyes and they should possess high color vision. They must be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance of the duties. For selection of candidates, there will be Written Test beside PST and PET. Candidates qualified from written test will go for Trade Test and finally Medical Examination for fitness test. The candidates who qualify PST and PET will appear in written examination on OMR based Answer Sheets which will comprise 100 multiple choice objective type questions of 100 marks with 2(two) hours duration. The question paper will be set to assess the general awareness, general knowledge, elementary mathematics, analytical aptitude and basic knowledge of the candidate in English/Hindi. The Trade Test is purely qualifying in nature and candidates will have to secure minimum 50% marks to qualify the Trade Test. These marks will not be added to the written examination marks for preparation of final selection of the candidates for the posts. The candidate shall bring their own tools/ material required for their Trade Test. How to Apply: Eligible and Interested candidates must apply on prescribed application format. The Application form can be downloaded from the official website of SSB (Live link to Application form and Advt. is given below) Candidates must enclose the Attested copies of testimonials in support of Qualification, Age proof, Caste, Trade qualification and Etc. Candidates must enclose Domicile Certificate issued by local revenue authorities for verification of citizenship and 2 Nos. Self-addressed envelopes (4x9) with affixed postal stamp of Rs.25/- on each envelope. Candidates must also enclose Bank Draft of below prescribed fee as Application Fee. Application Fee: Candidates must prepare Bank Draft of Rs.50/- in favour of below given authorities — (i) Bank Draft for posts— CT Cook, Barber, Washerman, Waiter and Carpenter, shall in favour of – "Accounts Officer, SSB, FTR. HQ. Ranikhet" and payable at – SBI Branch Ranikhet- Branch code – 0704". (ii) Bank Draft for posts — CT Water Carrier, Safaiwala, Painter, Tailor, Cobbler, Gardener, shall be in favour of — "Deputy Inspector General, SHQ. SSB, Tezpur" and payable at – SBI Branch Tezpur, Branch Code- 0195". NO APPLICATION FEE FOR SC/ ST/ EX-SERVICEMEN AND FEMALE CANDIDATES. Last Date of Application: The Application form must reach the below prescribed address on or before 31st July,2013 (07.08.2013 for Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of Jammu & Kashmir State, Lahaul-Spiti District and Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep) Envelope containing Application must be subscribed in bold letters "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF (NAME OF POST FOR WHICH APPLIED FOR WITH POST CODE) IN SASHASTRA SEEMA BAL". ADDRESSES:— For the posts of CT Cook, Barber, Washerman, Waiter and Carpenter, shall be addressed to — THE INSPECTOR GENERAL, SASHASTRA SEEMA BAL, FRONTIER HQ. RANIKHET SEWA BHAWAN GANIYADEOLI), PO: SADAR BAZAR, DISTRICT : ALMORA, PIN NO:263645 (UTTARAKHAND) For the posts of CT Water Carrier, Safaiwala, Painter, Tailor, Cobbler, Gardener, shall be addressed to — THE DEPUTY INSPECTOR GENERAL, SASHASTRA SEEMA BAL, SECTOR HQ. TEZPUR NEAR TEZPUR COLLEGE (AGNIGARH), P.O: TEZPUR, DISTRICT : SONITPUR, PIN NO-734428 (ASSAM) For complete details and Application form, please visit the official website of SSB — www.ssbrectt.gov.in OR alternatively, visit the following url — http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/ssb-vacancies-tradesmen.pdf |
Posted: 29 Jun 2013 06:38 AM PDT ![]() KASHI GOMTI SAMYUT GRAMIN BANK REQUIRES 492 OFFICERS AND OFFICE ASSISTANT (MULTIPURPOSE). APPLY ONLINE FROM 04-07-2013 TO 24-07-2013 1. Officer Scale-III: 4 Nos. (Gen—3; OBC—1) Qualification: Degree in any discipline with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and minimum 5yrs experience as an officer in a bank or financial institutions. 2. Officer Scale-II (General Banking): 13 Nos. (Gen—7; SC—2; ST—1; OBC—3) Qualification: Degree in any discipline with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and minimum 2yrs of experience in a Bank or financial institutions. 3. Officer Scale-II (Chartered Accountants): 1 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: Certified Associateship (CA) and one year experience in any reputed financial institutions. 4. Officer Scale-II (Treasury Manager): 1 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: Certified Associateship (CA) or Post Graduate degree in Finance plus One year of experience in any reputed financial institutions. 5. Officer Scale-I: 231 Nos. (Gen—114; SC—34; ST—22; OBC—61). Out of total, for PWD—7nos. and Ex-Serviceman—32 Nos. Qualification: Degree in any discipline and proficiency in local language of U.P. 6. Office Assistant (Multipurpose): 242 Nos. (Gen—124; SC—51; ST—2; OBC—65). Out of total, for PWD—7nos. and Ex-Serviceman—34nos. Qualification: Degree in any discipline and proficiency in local language of U.P. Essential Requirement: Beside above mentioned qualification; candidates must have appeared and qualified Common Written Examination for RRBs conducted by IBPS in September 2012. For Standard Qualifying marks and TWS, see the advt. (live url is given below) Selection of the candidates will be on basis of performance in CWE conducted by IBPS. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for Personal Interview. Interview will be held at the Varanasi centre. Exact date and time will be intimated through call letters. Selected candidates will be initially on probation period. For Officers grade, probation will be of 2 years and for Office Asst. (Multipurpose), probation period will be of One year. Age Limit (As on 01-06-2012) For Officer Scale-III: Below 40yrs. For Officer Scale-II: Above 21yrs and below 28yrs. For Officer Scale-I: Between 18yrs to 28yrs. Upper age relaxation for SC/ST - 5yrs; OBC- 3yrs; PWD- 10yrs; Ex-Serviceman and Others - As per norms. Application Fee: Candidates willing to apply must pay Application Fee of Rs.100/- (Rs.20 for SC/ST/PWD candidates) Fee can be paid by means of Fee payment challan through any branch of KGS Gramin Bank or Union Bank of India. Candidates may download the fee challan from the bank's website (live url is given below) How to Apply: Candidates must apply Online only through the bank's website — www.kgsgbank.co.in (live url given below) between 04-07-2013 to 24-07-2013. After successful submission of Online Application form, system will generated an automated Registration Slip with unique Registration Number. Candidates must print-out it and retain safely for future use. There is no need to send the print-out application or any documents to the bank. All the verification will be done during Interview, if called. Last Date of Application: Online Application form will be available from dated 04/07/2013 TO 24/07/2013 Above given information are in brief details. Before applying Online please go through the officially released Advt. Visit the following link for Advt. and Online Application — http://www.kgsgbank.co.in/webpages.php?tag=Recruitment (Application link will be available from 04.07.2013) |
Posted: 29 Jun 2013 06:38 AM PDT ![]() WESTERN RAILWAY — EMPLOYMENT NOTIFICATION AGAINST EX-SERVICEMAN QUOTA. TOTAL VACANCIES—560 Nos. LAST DATE: 10/07/2013 (24/07/2013 FOR FAR FLUNG AREAS) 1. Trackman: 147 Nos. 2. Helper Khalasi (Engg/ Mech/ Elect./ S&T): 241 Nos. 3. Helper/ Stores: 07 Nos. 4. Platform Porter: 60 Nos. 5. Safaiwala/ Comml, Mech, Medical: 83 Nos. 6. Safaiwala/ Geberal Administration, Accounts: 08 Nos. 7. Waiter and Cleaner, Commercial Catering: 14 Nos. Eligibility Criteria: Ex-Servicemen who have retired after putting in 15 years of service and have passed Army Class -I certificate or equivalent or Matric are eligible to apply. The eligibility of retired Defence Personnel to the status of Ex Service Man is governed by the definition as laid down by Department of Personnel and Training. Age Limit: Between 18yrs to 33yrs as on 01-07-2013. Upper age relaxation for reserved categories is as per norms. Pay Scale: Rs.5200—20200 and Grade Pay: Rs.1800/- Selection Steps: The recruitment shall be on the basis of scrutiny of application and medical fitness for the post. There will be no written examination/interview or Physically Efficiency Test. How to Apply: Eligible Ex-Servicemen should submit their applications on prescribed application format. Applications should be made on good quality A4 size (BOND PAPER) (210mm x 297mm) white paper using ONE SIDE ONLY. Applications may be downloaded from RRC-Western Railway's website: www.rrc-wr.com (live url to Advt. and Application form is given below) The duly filled-in-applications along with the required self attested documents should be addressed to "ASSISTANT PERSONNEL OFFICER (RECRUITMENT), RAILWAY RECRUITMENT CELL, PARCEL DEPOT, ALIBHAI PREMJI ROAD, GRANT ROAD (E), MUMBAI – 400 007". Candidates must also enclose 2 Nos. Self-addressed envelopes. See the below link for complete details. Last Date of Application: The application should be sent by ordinary post only so as to reach this office before the 10th July,2013 upto 4.30 PM (24.07.2013 for Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of Jammu & Kashmir State, Lahaul-Spiti District and Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep) Candidates may also submit their Application form by dropping it in the Drop-Box provided at the Railway Recruitment Cell, Parcel Depot, Alibhai Premji Road, Grant Road (E), Mumbai – 400 007 The envelope containing the application should be super-scribed on top- "Employment Notice No.01/2013 (WR/ExSM), Recruitment against Ex-Servicemen Quota". For complete details and Application form, please visit the following url — http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/western-railway-exserviceman-quota.pdf For Application form, click the following link - http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/format-exserviceman-quota-western-rly.pdf |
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