West Bengal and Central Government Jobs and Recruitment News | |
- Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) — Recruitment of 271 Assistant Sub Inspector (Steno). Last Dt. 22/02/2014 (01.03.2014)
- Department of Local Government Punjab — Recruitment of 329 Jr. Engineer, Draftsman, Accountant, Etc. Last Dt. 10/02/2014
- Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Imphal requires 66 Staff Nurse. Last Dt. 10/02/2014
Posted: 21 Jan 2014 06:37 AM PST ![]() CENTRAL RESERVE POLICE FORCE (CRPF) REQUIRES 271 ASSISTANT SUB INSPECTOR (STENO) THROUGH DIRECT RECRUITMENT. LAST DATE 22/02/2014 (01.03.2014). Name of the Post: ASSISTANT SUB INSPECTOR (STENO) Number of Vacancies: Total 271 Nos. (Gen—124; SC—47; ST—28; OBC—69; Gen-Ex-Serviceman—03). Total vacancies includes the Backlog vacancies. Educational Requirement: Higher Secondary (10+2) pass or equivalent Skill Test (on Computer): Ability to take Dictation for 10 minutes as 80 words per minute and transcript the same on computer within 50 minutes in English or 65 minutes in Hindi. Age: Between 18 and 25 years as on 22/2/2014. Upper age relaxation for SC/ST - 5yrs; OBC- 3yrs; PWD- 10yrs; Ex-Serviceman and Others - As per norms. Pay Scale: Rs.5200—20200 with Grade Pay: Rs.2800/- plus other allowances as per norms. Physical Standards of the Candidates: For Male candidates: — Height: 165 cms (162.5 cms for ST and candidates falling in the categories of Garwalies, Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas and candidates belonging to the state of Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir) — Chest (unexpanded/ expanded): 77cms/ 82cms (76cms/ 81cms for ST candidates) — Weight: Proportionate/Corresponding to height and age as per medical standards. For Female Candidates: — Height: 155cms (150cms for ST and candidates falling in the categories of Garwalies, Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas and candidates belonging to the state of Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir) — Chest: Not applicable. — Weight: Proportionate/Corresponding to height and age as per medical standards. Medical Standards: (a) The minimum distant vision should be 6/6 in one eye and 6/9 in other eye without correction i.e. without wearing glasses or lenses. (b) No color blindness. (c) Candidates must not have knock knee, flat foot, varicose vein or squint in eyes and should possess high colour vision. They must be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance of the duties SCHEME OF EXAMINATION/SELECTION PROCEDURE: The recruitment shall be held in two phases as under:- A. FIRST PHASE:- — Scrutiny/checking of certificates/documents — Physical Measurement — Written examination. B. SECOND PHASE:- — Skill test ( i.e. Stenography/short hand test) — Interview — Medical examination For details, see the below given PDF file. Date and venue of selection steps will be intimated in due course to the eligible candidates through Call letters. HOW TO APPLY: Interested and eligible candidates may apply prescribed application format (See the below given PDF file) along with Attested copies of testimonials in support of Educational Qualification, Age proof, Caste, Etc. (Refer the Advt. for details). Candidates must enclose Four recent passport size self attested photographs are required. Out of which one photo is to be pasted on application form and the remaining three photos are to be attached with the application form AND Four self addressed envelopes of 25 cm x 12 cm size duly affixing postal stamp worth Rs.27/- with full postal address of the candidate neatly written on envelope in Capital letters. The envelope containing the application must be superscribed in bold letters as "APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL RECRUITMENT FOR THE POST OF ASI (STENO) IN CRPF". APPLICATION FEE: Application should be accompanied by a Crossed Indian Postal Order or Demand Draft for Rs.100/- to be drawn in favour of the DIGP, GC, CRPF of concerned application receiving centre (See the PDF file given below for address list) NO APPLICATION FEE FOR SC/ST / EX-SERVICEMAN AND ALL FEMALE CANDIDATES. LAST DATE OF RECEIPT OF APPLICATION: The applications alongwith attested copies of certificates, application fees, etc should reach concerned application receiving centre by 22nd February 2014 (upto 5:00 PM) (01/03/2014 for candidates from Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of Jammu & Kashmir State, Lahaul-Spiti District and Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep) ADDRESS TO SEND THE APPLICATION FORM: The candidates should select a centre carefully and send the application to the Centre at which he/she intends to appear for recruitment. For candidates applying from WEST BENGAL may choose any one of the following centre and shall address the application accordingly —(i) For GC CRPF Durgapur: To DIGP, Group Centre, CRPF, Durgapur, West Bengal- 713214. (ii) For GC CRPF Siliguri: To DIGP, Group Centre, CRPF, Siliguri, Post: Sushruta Nagar, Distt: Darjeeling, West Bengal – 734012 For rest of other States, please see the below given PDF file. For complete details and Application form, see the following PDF file — http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/CRPF_Asst-SubInspector_Steno.pdf |
Posted: 21 Jan 2014 06:37 AM PST Department of Local Government Punjab, Recruitment Cell is inviting application for the various posts to be filled in various Municipal Corporation, Municipal Councils-Nagar Panchayats and Improvement Trusts in the State and Punjab Water Supply Sewerage Board (PWSSB). Total vacancies—329 Nos. Posts—Jr. Engineer, Draftsman, Accountant, Sanitary Inspector, Officers and etc. Interested candidates may apply Online. Educational qualification norms, number of vacancies and brief details are given below — DEPT. OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT PUNJAB INVITES APPLICATION FOR 329 JR. ENGINEER, DRAFTSMAN, ACCOUNTANT, INSPECTOR, OFFICERS, ETC. LAST DT. 10/02/2014 VACANCIES IN MUNICIPAL CORPORATION: 1. Law Officer: 4 Nos. Qualification: Law Graduate and should have at least eight years been an advocate. 2. Chief Sanitary Inspector: 15 Nos. Qualification: Minimum Graduate pass with Sanitary Inspector Certificate 3. Head Draftsman: 15 Nos. Qualification: Diploma in Civil Engineering or Certificate in Civil Draftsman with 05yrs experience as Draftsman. 4. Assistant Divisional Fire Officer: 03 Nos. Qualification: Advance Diploma in Fire Engineering from National Fire Service College Nagpur. 5. Fire Station Officer: 07 Nos. Qualification: Diploma in Fire Engineering from the National Fire Service College, Nagpur. 6. Junior Engineer (Civil): 50 Nos. Qualification: Diploma in Civil Engineering 7. Jr. Engineer (Mechanical): 03 Nos. Qualification: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering. 8. Jr. Engineer (Electrical): 09 Nos. Qualification: Diploma in Electrical Engineering 9. Jr. Engineer (Horticulture): 06 Nos Qualification: B.Sc Agriculture with Horticulture (three years course after 10+2 examination) as a special subject. 10. Draftsman: 24 Nos. Qualification: Diploma in Civil Engineering or Certificate in Civil Draftsman 11. Accountant Grade-II: 05 Nos. Qualification: B.Com pass. 12. Sanitary Inspector: 21 Nos. Qualification: Graduate in any discipline and Diploma in Sanitary Inspector course. VACANCIES IN MUNICIPAL COUNCILS AND NAGAR PANCHAYATS 13. Chief Sanitary Inspector: 03 Nos. Qualification: Sanitary Inspector Certificate with an experience for minimum period of two years in a Municipal Committee or a Department of the Government. 14. Head Draftsman: 1 Nos. Qualification: Diploma in Civil Engineering or Certificate in Civil Engineering or Certificate in Civil Draftsman with three years experience in a Municipal Committee, or Department of the Government as Draftsman. 15. Assistant Divisional Fire officer: 1 Nos. Qualification: Advance Diploma in Fire Engineering from National Fire Service College Nagpur. 16. Fire Station Officer: 11 Nos. Qualification: Diploma in Fire Engineering from the National Fire Service College Nagpur. 17. Jr. Engineer (Civil): 10 Nos. Qualification: Diploma in Civil Engineering 18. Jr. Engineer (Electrical): 06 Nos. Qualification: Diploma in Electrical Engineering 19. Draftsman: 03 Nos. Qualification: Diploma in Civil Engineering or Certificate in Civil Draftsman 20. Accountant Grade-II: 20 Nos. Qualification: Degree in B.Com 21. Sanitary Inspector: 21 Nos. Qualification: Sanitary Inspectors Certificate course. VACANCIES IN IMPROVEMENT TRUSTS: 22. Head Draftsman: 4 Nos. Qualification: Diploma in Civil Engineering or Certificate in Civil Draftsman with an experience for a minimum period of three years in a Trust, or Department of the Government as Draftsman 23. Jr. Engineer (Civil): 11 Nos. Qualification: Diploma in Civil Engineering 24. Draftsman: 08 Nos. Qualification: Diploma in Civil Engineering or Certificate in Civil Draftsmanship 25. Accountant Grade-II: 09 Nos. Qualification: B.Com passed. VACANCIES IN PUNJAB WATER SUPPLY & SEWERAGE BOARD (PWSSB): 26. Sub Divisional Engineer (Civil): 18 Nos. Qualification: Degree in Civil Engineering 27. Jr. Engineer (Civil): 41 Nos. Qualification: Diploma in Civil Engineering. N.B: All the above prescribed educational qualification shall be from recognized University or Institution. Candidates shall have studied Punjabi as a subject atleast upto Matriculation/ Matric level. Reservation for SC/ST/BC/ Etc candidates shall be as per the policy/ instructions of the Punjab Government. The benefit of reservation shall only be available to the candidates who are bonafide residents of Punjab State. SC/ST/BC/OBC candidates from other States may apply as General/ Unreserved candidates . Age Limit and Pay Scale: (i). For vacancies in Municipal Corporations and Municipal Councils: Age— 17 to 40yrs. Pay Scale: Rs. (ii). For vacancies in Improvement Trust: Age—17yrs to 35yrs. Pay Scale: Rs. (iii). For vacancies in PWSSB: Age — 18yrs to 38yrs. Pay Scale: Rs. Age will be counted as on last date of application. Upper age relaxation for reserved candidates (only eligible to resident of Punjab) is as per Govt. norms -- for the SC/BC to the extent of 5 years; and 10 years for Physically Handicapped. Selection of the candidates will be through written test which will be held in the last week of March,2014. Exact date and venue will be intimated in due course and such information will be available in the official website by 17 Feb, 2014. Admit card can be downloaded from the website from 01.03.2014. Application Fee: Candidates willing to apply for the vacancies shall pay Application Fee of Rs.1000/- (Rs.500 in case of SC category candidates from Punjab) in cash through prescribed Bank Challan which will be generated upon submission of online Application form. How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates may apply Online through the official website of Punjab Govt. — www.punjabgovt.gov.in (See the live URL given below) Last Date: Last date for receipt of online applications will be 10th of February, 2014. Above given information are in brief details. Before applying Online please go through the officially released Advt. Visit the following link for Advt. and Online Application — http://bfuhs.ac.in/Recruitment2014/main.htm |
Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Imphal requires 66 Staff Nurse. Last Dt. 10/02/2014 Posted: 21 Jan 2014 06:37 AM PST Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Imphal, is inviting application from the eligible citizens of India for the recruitment of 66 Staff Nurse on direct recruitment basis. Interested and eligible candidates may submit their Application form on prescribed application format only along with testimonials. Educational Qualification norms and eligibility criteria in brief are given below — REGIONAL INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCE (RIMS), IMPHAL, REQUIRES 66 STAFF NURSE. LAST DATE – 10/02/2014. Name of the Post: Staff Nurse Number of Vacancies: 66 Nos. (Gen—27; SC—13; ST—7; OBC—19). Minimum Qualification: Higher Secondary pass or its equivalent AND Certificate/ Diploma in General Nursing & Midwifery or equivalent qualification in case of Male Nurse. Candidates shall be registered as 'A' Grade Nurse & Midwifery with a State Nursing Council or equivalent in case of Male Nurse. Age Limit: Maximum 35yrs as on 10/02/2014. Relaxation of upper age limit by 5yrs for SC/ST and 3yrs for OBC candidates. Pay Scale: Rs.9300—34800 and Grade Pay: Rs.4600/- per month Selection of the candidates will be through Written Test, if applicant is large in number, on the concerned subject (GNM Course). Such date and venue will be intimated to the eligible candidates in due course. Application Fee: Candidates willing to apply for the vacancies must pay Application Fee of Rs.200/- in form of band draft drawn in favour of Director, RIMS, Imphal and payable at Imphal or through Cash Receipt of Rs.200/- from RIMS Counter. How to Apply: Interested candidates may apply on prescribed application format only along with attested copies of certificates & testimonials of Qualification, Age proof, Caste Certificate, etc, 02 copies of recent passport size photograph and Bank Draft of above prescribed fee. Last Date and Address: The duly filled Application form shall reach the following address so as to reach on or before 10/02/2014 — The Director, Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal — 795 004. Superscribe the top of the application containing envelope with – "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF STAFF NURSE". For details see the following PDF files — http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/Advt_RIMS-Staff-Nurse.pdf For prescribed application format, see — http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/Application_RIMS-Staff-Nurse.pdf |
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