West Bengal and Central Government Jobs and Recruitment News
by Unknown on Wednesday, 26 February 2014
West Bengal and Central Government Jobs and Recruitment News | |
- India Post — Recruitment of 8243 Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant in 22 Postal Circles. Last Date 27/03/2014
- Directoratte of Social Welfare (West Bengal) - Recruitment under IGMSY Scheme for Programme Coordinator/ Astt. Last Dt. 27/3/2014
- Saurashtra Gramin Bank requires 101 Officer (MMG -II/ JMG-I) and Office Assistant (Multipurpose). Last Dt. 13/03/2014
- Chaitanya Godavari Grameena Bank requires 143 Officers and Office Assistant (Multipurpose). Last Dt. 13/03/2014
- Pandyan Grama Bank - Recruitment of 131 Officers (Scale-III/ II/ I). Apply Online within 13/03/2014
Posted: 26 Feb 2014 03:28 AM PST ![]() DEPARTMENT OF POSTS INVITES APPLICATION FOR 8243 POSTAL ASSISTANT/ SORTING ASSISTANT. LAST DATE – 27/03/2014 POSTAL ASSISTANT/ SORTING ASSISTANTS Number of Vacancies: 8243 Nos. including all 22 Postal Circles Distribution of vacancies according to Postal Circles are — 1. Andhra Pradesh: 541 Nos. 2. Assam: 126 Nos. 3. Bihar: 211 Nos. 4. Chhattisgarh: 122 Nos. 5. Delhi: 234 Nos. 6. Gujarat: 564 Nos. 7. Haryana: 181 Nos. 8. Himachal Pradesh: 89 Nos. 9. Jammu & Kashmir: 131 Nos. 10. Jharkhand: 162 Nos. 11. Karnataka: 534 Nos. 12. Kerala: 385 Nos. 13. Madhya Pradesh: 269 Nos. 14. Maharashtra: 1098 Nos. 15. North-East: 100 Nos. 16. Odisha: 451 Nos. 17. Punjab: 216 Nos. 18. Rajasthan: 304 Nos. 19. Tamil Nadu: 1023 Nos. 20. Uttar Pradesh: 668 Nos. 21. Uttarakhand: 136 Nos. 22. West Bengal: 698 Nos. DIVISION WISE VACANCIES FOR WEST BENGAL POSTAL CIRCLE ONLY : 1. Postal Assistant in PO Division: 486 Nos. (Gen—258; SC—106; ST—20; OBC—102). PH—14; Ex-Servicemen—48 Nos. 2. Sorting Assistant in RMS Divisions: 115 Nos. (Gen—62; SC—26; ST—4; OBC—23). PH—3; Ex-Servicemen—12. 3. Postal Assistant in SBCO Division: 46 Nos. (Gen—24; SC—10; ST—2; OBC—10). PH—2; Ex-Servicemen—4 Nos. 4. Postal Assistant in CO/RO Division: 42 Nos. (Gen—22; SC—9; ST—1; OBC—10). PH—1; Ex-Servicemen—4 Nos. 5. Postal Assistant in MMS Division: 1 Nos. (Gen) 6. Postal Assistant in RLO Division: 3 Nos. (Gen—2; OBC—1) 7. Postal Assistant in FPO Division: 5 Nos. (Gen—3; OBC—2) For division wise vacancies in rest of above said State/ Postal Circles, see the below given PDF/ URL (Link) Educational Qualification: Higher Secondary/ Class 12 pass with English as a compulsory subject (excluding vocational streams). The candidate shall have studied the local language of the State or UT of the concerned Postal Circle or Hindi as subject at least in Matriculation/ equivalent level. For e.g. Candidates from West Bengal must have studied Bengali as subject or Hindi as a subject in Matriculation or equivalent level. Age Limit: 18yrs to 27yrs as on 27/03/2014. Upper age relaxation for SC/ST - 5yrs; OBC- 3yrs; PWD- 10yrs; Ex-Serviceman and Others - As per norms. Pay Scale: Rs.5200—20200 with Grade Pay: Rs.2400/- plus other allowances as per norms. Candidates' Selection: The applicants will be selected through an Aptitude Test of 100 marks which will cover – General Knowledge, Mathematics, English and Reasoning/ Analytical Ability The duration of the Aptitude Test will be for 2 hours (120 minutes). There is no negative marking. Candidates who will qualify the Aptitude Test will be called for Computer/ Typing Test which will be – English typing at 30 words per minute OR Hindi typing at 25 words per minute Examination date and venue will be intimated in due course. For details, see the below given URL. FEES: Form Registration Fee: Rs.100/- for all categories of applicants Examination Fee: Rs.400/- only for General and OBC candidates. NO EXAMINATION FEE FOR SC/ST/ PH AND ALL WOMEN CANDIDATES. Fee is to paid through their nearest e-payment Post Offices (See the list in below given link) by means of Fee Payment Challan. Challan will be generated automatically after successful registration and shall be print-out on a plain paper. Once the fee has been paid, the Registration process is completed. Candidates can apply for any one of the postal circle. Applying for more than one postal circle to lead to cancellation of form. HOW TO APPLY: Interested and eligible candidates shall apply online only through the official website of Posts (See the live URL to Application form given below) Before starting his registration, the applicant should be ready with the soft copies of passport size photo (not more than 20 KB in .JPG/JPEG format) and signature (not more than 10 KB in .jpg/jpeg format) which are required to be uploaded during submission of Registration form. After successful registration, a provisional Unique Registration Number (URN) will be generated by the system and displayed on the screen. The registration number along with password shall be sent to the Applicant to the given email ID and SMS to given Mobile Number in the application. The Applicant has to use the registration number and password for log in into the website where he/she can generate the fee challan in triplicate to pay the above prescribed fee. Applicant has to take out a print out of the system generated Fee Payment Challan. Once the fee has been paid, the Registration process is completed. The Applicant has to retain this number and password for future references. The Applicant can edit the particulars if needed before final Submission of the Application Form. Once the application is filled completely and submitted, it can't be edited. N.B: After successful registration of the On-Line Application, candidates are advised to keep print out of the "PREVIEW" of his/her Application, copy of fee challan, receipt issued by the Post office and Registration slip for any future reference. DO NOT SEND ANY PRINT-OUT/ HARD COPY APPLICATION TO THE POSTS. Important Dates: Starting Date of Online Application: 26/02/2014 Last Date of Online Application: 27/03/2014. Above given information are in brief details. Before applying Online please go through the officially released Advt. Visit the following link for Advt. and Online Application : Detailed Advt. in PDF format, see — http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/India_Post-Postal-Sorting_Assistant.pdf For list of Vacancies as per State/ Postal Circles wise, visit — http://www.pasadrexam2014.in/Vacancies.aspx To APPLY ONLINE now, visit — http://www.pasadrexam2014.in/ (See the links on top for FAQS, E-Payment Post Offices List, Instruction, Etc) |
Posted: 26 Feb 2014 06:16 AM PST Directorate of Social Welfare, West Bengal is inviting application for the post of – State Programme Coordinator, State Programme Assistant, District Programme Coordinator and District Programme Assistant. Total vacancies—6 Nos. The engagement will on purely contractual basis under Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY). Qualified candidates will be posted at Kolkata IGMS Cell and Jalpaiguri & Bankura District ICDS Cell. Qualification norms and brief details are given below — RECRUITMENT OF STATE PROGRAMME COORDINATOR/ ASSISTANT AND DISTRICT PROGRAMME COORDINATOR/ ASSISTANT. LAST DATE — 27/03/2014 1. State Programme Coordinator: 1 Nos. Qualification: Postgraduate in Social Sciences/ life Sciences/ nutrition/ Medicine/ health management/ social work/ rural management. Candidates shall have 03 years field level experience of working with reputed organizations. Shall have proficiency in MS Office suit. Consolidated Pay: Rs.30,000/- 2. District Programme Coordinator: 2 Nos. Qualification: Postgraduate in Social Sciences/ life Sciences/ nutrition/ Medicine/ health management/ social work/ rural management. Candidates shall have 01 year experience of working in a project with reputed organizations. Shall have proficiency in MS Office suit. Consolidated Pay: Rs.20,000/- 3. State Programme Assistant: 1 Nos. Qualification: Graduate in Social Sciences/ Social work/ rural management/ statistics. Candidates shall have atleast 02 yrs experience of working in a project with reputed organizations and shall have proficiency in MS Office, data entry and analysis. Consolidated Pay: Rs.15000/- 4. District Programme Assistant: 2 Nos. Qualification: Graduate in Social Sciences/ Social work/ rural management/ statistics. Candidates shall have atleast 01 yrs experience of working in a project with reputed organizations and shall have proficiency in MS Office and data entry. Consolidated Pay: Rs.10000/- The engagement to the above said posts will be on purely contractual basis under Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY), a scheme approved by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Govt. of India, on pilot basis in 2 selected districts in the State of West Bengal i.e. Bankura and Jalpaiguri; with the objective of improving the health and nutrition status of Pregnant and Lactating women. The State Programme Coordinator and State Programme Assistant shall be positioned in State IGMSY Cell at Directorate of Social Welfare, Salt Lake, Kol—64 District and District Programme Coordinator & District Programme Assistant will be positioned at Jalpaiguri and Bankura IGMSY Cell within District ICDS Cell. Therefore candidates shall be domicile of the respective district. Note: Applicants applying for the post of District Programme Coordinator and District Programme Assistant in IGMSY Cell in the disctrict of Jalpaiguri and Bankura, should be domicile of the respective disctrict. Age Limit: between 18yrs to 40yrs as on last date of application. Selection of the candidates will be through Written Test and Interview and selection will be made on merit basis by the Selection Committee of IGMSY. Date and venue of Written Test or Interview will be informed in due course. How to Apply: Apply on prescribed application format (See the PDF file below) along with attested copies of testimonials in support of Qualification, Age, Domicile and Etc. The duly filled Application form along with enclosures shall reach the following address — "The Director, Directorate of Social Welfare, Govt. of West Bengal, Juvenile Court Building, Salt Lake, Kolkata—700 064", so as to reach on or before – 27th March,2014 (till 5.30PM) by SPEED POST. The envelope containing the application shall be superscribed with "Application for the post of ________ at__________Cell. For detailed advt. and Application form, see — http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/Notice_Recruit_WSocial_24_02_14.pdf |
Posted: 26 Feb 2014 06:16 AM PST ![]() SAURASHTRA GRAMIN BANK REQUIRES 101 OFFICERS AND OFFICE ASSISTANT. LAST DATE – 13/03/2014 1. Officer Scale-II (General Banking Officer): 10 Nos. 2. Officer Scale-I: 36 Nos. 3. Office Assistant (Multipurpose): 55 Nos. Educational Qualification: Qualification criteria is as per RRBs CWE-II, laid by IBPS. See — www.ibps.in Essential Requirement: Candidates shall have appeared and qualified the RRBs Online Common Written Examination (CWE_II) conducted by IBPS in September/ October 2013 and shall have obtained Qualifying Standard Score. For Standard Score and Total Weighted Score, see the below given URL of the bank. The candidates for Officer Scale-I and Office Assistants (Multipurpose) are essentially required to possess proficiency in the local language of the State i.e. GUJARATI. The candidate should have passed 10th standard exam with local language i.e. GUJARATI as one of the subject Pay Scales: Officer Scale I : Rs.14500— Rs.25700 Officer Scale II : Rs.19400— Rs.28100 Office Assistant: Rs.7200—Rs.19300 Application Fee: Rs.100/- for General and OBC candidates Rs.20/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates Fee is to be paid through any branches of Saurashtra Gramin Bank by means of a Payment challan. The fee payment challan is to be downloaded from the bank's website. Selection of the candidates will be made on the basis of performance in RRBs- CWE-II conducted by IBPS in September/ October 2013 and Personal Interview. The total marks for Interview will be 30. The Interview will be held at the RAJKOT centre and the complete address of the venue will be advised in the call letters. The address of the venues will also be displayed in the Bank's website one week before the dates for commencement of Interviews. Selected candidates will be on probation for 02 years in case of Officer Scale II & Scale-I and in case of Office Assistant for 01 year. How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates may apply Online through the Bank's website — WWW.SGBRRB.ORG (See live URL given below) from 26.02.2014 to 14.03.2014. Follow the detailed instruction available on the bank's website on how to apply online. After final submission of online Application form, the system generated Registration Slip will appear on the computer screen. Candidates must print-out it and shall retain it safely for future correspondence and for verification during Interview, if called. CANDIDATES SHOULD NOT SUBMIT A PRINTOUT OF THE APPLICATION / FEE PAYMENT RECEIPT (CBS challan) TO THE BANK AT THIS STAGE. Important Dates: Starting date of Online Application: 26/02/2014 Closing date of Online Application: 14/03/2014 Above given information are in brief details. Before applying Online please go through the officially released Advt. Visit the following link for Advt. and Online Application — http://sgbrrb.org/page.php?pid=392 |
Posted: 26 Feb 2014 06:16 AM PST ![]() CHAITANYA GODAVARI GRAMEENA BANK REQUIRES 131 OFFICERS AND OFFICE ASSISTANT. LAST DATE – 13/03/2014 1. Officer Scale-III: 1 Nos. 2. Officer Scale-II (IT): 2 Nos. 3. Officer Scale-II (Law): 1 Nos. 4. Officer Scale-II (CA): 1 Nos. 5. Officer Scale-II (Treasury Manager): 1 Nos. 6. Officer Scale-I: 56 Nos. 7. Office Assistant (Multipurpose): 81 Nos. Educational Qualification: Qualification criteria is as per RRBs CWE-II, laid by IBPS. See — www.ibps,in Essential Requirement: Candidates shall have appeared and qualified the RRBs Online Common Written Examination (CWE_II) conducted by IBPS in September/ October 2013 and shall have obtained Qualifying Standard Score. For Standard Score and Total Weighted Score, see the below given URL of the bank. The candidates for Officer Scale-I and Office Assistants (Multipurpose) are essentially required to possess proficiency in the local language of the State i.e. TELUGU. The candidate should have passed 10th standard exam with local language i.e. TELUGU as one of the subject Pay Scales: Officer Scale I : Rs.14500— Rs.25700 Officer Scale II : Rs.19400— Rs.28100 Officer Scale III : Rs.25700— Rs.31500 Office Assistant: Rs.7200—Rs.19300 Application Fee: Rs.100/- for General and OBC candidates Rs.20/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates Fee is to be paid through any branches of Chaitanya Godavari Grameena Bank by means of a Payment challan. The fee payment challan is to be downloaded from the bank's website. Selection of the candidates will be made on the basis of performance in RRBs- CWE-II conducted by IBPS in September/ October 2013 and Personal Interview. The total marks for Interview will be 30. The Interview will be held at the GUNTUR centre and the complete address of the venue will be advised in the call letters. The address of the venues will also be displayed in the Bank‟s website one week before the dates for commencement of Interviews. Selected candidates will be on probation for 02 years in case of Officer Scale III, Scale II & Scale-I and in case of Office Assistant for 01 year. How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates may apply Online through the Bank's website — www.cggb.in (See live URL given below) Follow the detailed instruction available on the bank's website on how to apply online. After final submission of online Application form, the system generated Registration Slip will appear on the computer screen. Candidates must print-out it and shall retain it safely for future correspondence and for verification during Interview, if called. CANDIDATES SHOULD NOT SUBMIT A PRINTOUT OF THE APPLICATION / FEE PAYMENT RECEIPT (CBS challan) TO THE BANK AT THIS STAGE. Important Dates: Starting date of Online Application: 25/02/2014 Closing date of Online Application: 13/03/2014 Above given information are in brief details. Before applying Online please go through the officially released Advt. Visit the following link for Advt. and Online Application — Visit Bank's website for detailed notification and Challan - http://chaitanyagodavarigrameenabank.in/ Visit IBPS website to Apply Online now - http://ibpsregistration.nic.in/ibps_cgbank/ |
Pandyan Grama Bank - Recruitment of 131 Officers (Scale-III/ II/ I). Apply Online within 13/03/2014 Posted: 26 Feb 2014 06:16 AM PST ![]() PANDYAN GRAMA BANK REQUIRES 131 OFFICERS (MMG-III/II and JMG-I). LAST DATE – 13/03/2014 1. Officer Scale-III: 7 Nos. 2. Officer Scale-II (General Banking Officer): 14 Nos. 3. Officer Scale-II (IT): 5 Nos. 4. Officer Scale-II (Treasury Manager): 1 Nos. 5. Officer Scale-II (Agricultural Officer): 4 Nos. 6. Officer Scale-I: 100 Nos. Educational Qualification: Qualification criteria is as per RRBs CWE-II, laid by IBPS. See — www.ibps,in Essential Requirement: Candidates shall have appeared and qualified the RRBs Online Common Written Examination (CWE_II) conducted by IBPS in September/ October 2013 and shall have obtained Qualifying Standard Score. For Standard Score and Total Weighted Score, see the below given URL of the bank. Pay Scales: Officer Scale I : Rs.14500— Rs.25700 Officer Scale II : Rs.19400— Rs.28100 Officer Scale III : Rs.25700— Rs.31500 Application Fee: Rs.100/- for General and OBC candidates Rs.20/- for SC/ST/PWD candidates Fee is to be paid through any branches of Pandyan Grama Bank by means of a Payment challan. The fee payment challan is to be downloaded from the bank's website. Selection of the candidates will be made on the basis of performance in RRBs- CWE-II conducted by IBPS in September/ October 2013 and Personal Interview. The total marks for Interview will be 30. The Interview will be held at Virudhunagar – 626002. The address of the venue will also be displayed in the Bank's website one week before the dates for commencement of Interviews. Selected candidates will be on probation for two years. How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates may apply Online through the Bank's website — www.pandyangramabank.in (See live URL given below) Follow the detailed instruction available on the bank's website on how to apply online. After final submission of online Application form, the system generated Registration Slip will appear on the computer screen. Candidates must print-out it and shall retain it safely for future correspondence and for verification during Interview, if called. CANDIDATES SHOULD NOT SUBMIT A PRINTOUT OF THE APPLICATION / FEE PAYMENT RECEIPT (CBS challan) TO THE BANK AT THIS STAGE. Important Dates: Starting date of Online Application: 25/02/2014 Closing date of Online Application: 13/03/2014 Above given information are in brief details. Before applying Online please go through the officially released Advt. Visit the following link for Advt. and Online Application — http://ibpsregistration.nic.in/ibps_pgbank/ Bank's website for downloading Fee Challan and detailed notificiation - http://www.pandyangramabank.in/home.asp |
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