West Bengal and Central Government Jobs and Recruitment News | |
- Indian Ordnance Factory, Khadki - Recruitment of 22 Driver, Multi Tasking Staff & CPW. Last Dt.19/04/14 & 27/04/14
- Ordnance Equipment Factory, Kanpur - Recruitment of 24 Teacher, Fireman, Clerk, Multitasking Staff, Etc. Last Dt. 25/04/2014
- 26 Ammu Company 56 APO requires 10 Fireman & Mazdoor. Last Date 18/04/2014
- GSF, Cossipore, Kolkata is recruiting 18 Primary Teacher, Stenographer, Fireman & Durwan
Posted: 29 Mar 2014 06:57 AM PDT ![]() INDIAN ORDNANCE FACTORY, KHADKI, REQUIRES 22 DRIVER, MULTITASKING STAFF AND CPW. 1. CIVILIAN MOTOR DRIVER (ORDINARY GRADE) Number of Vacancies: 3 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: Matriculation pass and must posses valid driving license for light and heavy vehicles. Age: 18—32 yrs as on last date of application. 2. MULTI TASKING STAFF Number of Vacancies: 13 Nos. (Gen—7; ST—2; OBC—4) Qualification: Matriculation Age: 18 – 25yrs as on last date of application 3. CPW Number of Vacancies: 11 Nos. (Gen—4; ST—5; OBC—2) Qualification: Matriculation pass AND NAC/NTC issued by NCVT in the Trade of Attendant Operator in Chemical Plant (AOCP) Age: 18 – 32yrs as on last date of application Pay Scale: Rs.5200—20200 and Grade Pay: Rs.1800/- plus other allowances as per norms. Selection of the candidates will be through Written Test and Trade test/ Practical test (wherever applicable). Refer the advt. given below for details. Exact date and venue will be intimated to the eligible candidates in due course through call letters. How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates may send their application, prepared as per prescribed format, along with enclosures in attested copies, in support of Educational Qualification, Age proof, caste and Etc. General and OBC candidates must enclose DD/ IPO of Rs.50/- as examination fee. All the testimonials shall be attested by Gazetted Officer only. Examination Fee (For all Posts): General and OBC candidates must prepare a Demand Draft or crossed IPO of Rs.50/- only in favour of General Manager, High Explosives Factory, Khadki, Pune 411 003. No examination fee is required for SC/ST/PWD and Ex-servicemen candidates. Candidates must superscribe the top of the envelope in capital letters with the following – For the Civilian Driver and Multitasking Staff, superscribe in Capital letters with the name of post applied for For the post of CPW, superscribe in capital letters with the name of the post applied for, Category (such as General, SC/ST, OBC, Etc) and Language of Written Examination opted (such as Hindi or English) Last Date and Address: The duly filled Application form shall reach the following address — THE GENERAL MANAGER, HIGH EXPLOSIVES FACTORY, KHADKI, PANE (MAHARASHTRA) PIN CODE – 411 003 The last date of receipt of application for the post of Driver and Multitasking Staff is 27/04/2013 AND last date of receipt of application for the post of CPW is 19/04/2014 For complete details and eligibility norms, please see the officially released advertisement given below in PDF format – Advt. & Application for Civilian Driver and Multitasking Staff: http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/iof_khadki_rectt_01.pdf Advt. & Application for CPW: http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/iof_khadki_rectt_02.pdf |
Posted: 29 Mar 2014 06:57 AM PDT ![]() ORDNANCE EQUIPMENT FACTORY, KANPUR, INVITES APPLICATION FOR 24 GROUP 'B' & 'C' NON INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENT POSTS. LAST DATE – 25/04/2014 1. TRAINED GRADUATE TEACHER: 2 Nos. (Gen—1; OBC—1) — Maths: 01 — Hindi: 01 Qualification: Graduation and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education ( by whatever name known) OR Graduation with at least 50% marks and 1- year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) OR Graduation with at least 45% marks and 1- year Bachelor in Education, in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure)Regulations issued from time to time in this regard. OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4-year Bachelor in Elementary Education ( B. El. Ed.) OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent ) with at least 50% marks and 4-year B.A./B.Sc. Ed or B.A. Ed./B.Sc. Ed. Note : Relaxation up to 5% in the qualifying marks shall be allowed to the candidates belonging to reserved categories, such as SC/ST/OBC/PH . Essential: Pass in Teacher Eligibility Test (TET), to be conducted by the appropriate Government in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE for the purpose. Desirable: Candidates with ability to teach both in Hindi or English and medium of instruction of the school is desirable. Age: Maximum 30yrs. 2. TEACHER PRIMARY: 1 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education ( by whatever name known) OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 45% marks and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education ( by whatever name known), in accordance with the NCTE(Recognition Norms and Procedure), Regulations, 2002. OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4-year Bachelor of Elementary Education ( B. El. Ed.) OR Graduation and Two year Diploma in Elementary Education ( by whatever name known) Essential: Pass in Teacher Eligibility Test (TET), to be conducted by the appropriate Government in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE for the purpose Note : Relaxation up to 5% in the qualifying marks shall be allowed to the SC/ST/OBC/PH candidates. Age: Maximum 30yrs. 3. FIREMAN: 1 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: Matriculation pass and must have completed basic course on elementary Fire Fighting. Candidates must be physically fit and shall meets the following Standard requirement — Physical Standards: (a) Height Without Shoes – 165 cms. (b) Chest (Unexpanded) – 81.5 cms. ( Expanded ) -- 85 cms. (c) Weight 50 kgs minimum Endurance Test: (a) Carrying a man (Fireman lift of 63.5 kgs to a distance of 183 mtrs within 96 seconds). (b) Clearing 2.7 mtrs wide ditch landing on both feet (long jumps) (c) Climbing 3 mtrs. Vertical rope using hands and feet Note: Concession of 2.5 cms in height or chest may be allowed for the members of Schedule Castes or Schedule Tribes candidates from hill areas Age: between 18yrs to 25yrs. 4. COOK (CANTEEN): 1 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: Matriculation with one year experience in the trade. Age: between 18yrs to 27yrs 5. PHOTOGRAPHER: 1 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: Matriculation with diploma in Photography and Two years Experience in Photography Age: maximum 27yrs. 6. SUPERVISOR GRADE-III: 1 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: Matriculation or equivalent. Age: between 18yrs to 27yrs. 7. CIVILIAN MOTOR DRIVER (ORDINARY GRADE): 1 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: Matriculation and must possess license for driving light and heavy vehicles with basic knowledge in automobile repairing. Age: maximum 30yrs. 8. MULTI TASKING STAFF: 23 Nos. (Gen—13; SC—4; OBC—6). Out of total 2 seats reserved for PWD. Qualification: Matriculation or equivalent pass Age: between 18 to 25yrs. 9. LOWER DIVISION CLERK (LDC): 7 Nos. Qualification: Class 12 or equivalent and must have English Typing @ 35 W.P.M. Hindi Typing @ 30 W.P.M. ( Time allowed – 10 minuts) on computers. Age: maximum 27yrs. Upper age relaxation: Age of the applicant as mentioned above will be counted as on last date of application. Upper age relaxation for SC/ST - 5yrs; OBC- 3yrs; PWD- 10yrs; Ex-Serviceman and Others - As per norms. Candidates' Selection: Selection will be on basis of Written Examination and Skill Test/Interview (wherever applicable) Exact date and venue will be intimated to the eligible candidates in due course. How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates shall apply online only through the official website of the factor – www.oefkanpur.gov.in (See live URL to Application form given below) After submitting the On Line Application and uploading clearly visible recent colour photograph with signature in digital format, as per instruction available on the website, a unique Registration Number will be generated automatically. This Registration No. and Password of the candidate should be used for downloading the filled in Application form and for further information. The candidate should take print of dully filled in Application form in two copies. One copy is to be retained by the candidate for further reference and other one is to be sent along with IPO/Bank Draft to — THE GENERAL MANAGER, ORDNANCE EQUIPMENT FACTORY, PHOOLBAGH KANPUR-208001, UTTAR PRADESH Candidates must enclose attested copies of educational/ Technical certificate, Caste certificate, Age proof certificate and etc. Application Fee: Candidates must prepare crossed IPO or crossed Bank Draft of Rs.50/- drawn in favour of THE GENERAL MANAGER OEF, KANPUR (Registration No. must written on the backside of the IPO/DD). Candidates belonging to SC/ST/Ex-Serviceman and PHP category and Female Candidates are exempted from submitting the Fee. Important Dates: Starting date of Online Application: 04/04/2014 Closing date of Online Application: 25/04/2014 Last date of receipt of system generated application alongwith enclosures: 02/05/2014 Above given information are in brief details. Before applying Online please go through the officially released Advt. Visit the following link for Advt. and Online Application: For Advt. in PDF format, see — http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/OEF_Kanpur_Rectt.pdf To Apply online now, visit — (Online Application form link will be available from 04/04/2014) |
26 Ammu Company 56 APO requires 10 Fireman & Mazdoor. Last Date 18/04/2014 Posted: 29 Mar 2014 06:57 AM PDT ![]() RECRUITMENT OF FIREMAN AND MAZDOORS IN 26 AMMUNITION COMPANY C/ 56 APO. LAST DATE— 18/04/2014 1. Fireman: 4 Nos. (General/Unreserved) Qualification: Matriculation or equivalent Pay Scale: Rs.5200—20200 with Grade Pay: Rs.1900/- 2. Mazdoor: 6 Nos. (Gen—3; OBC—1; SC—1; ST—1) Qualification: Matriculation or equivalent. Pay Scale: Rs.5200—20200 with Grade Pay: Rs.1800/- Age Limit: Candidates shall be minimum 18ys and maximum 25yrs as on last date of receipt of application. Upper age relaxation for SC/ST is 5yrs, OBC is 3yrs; PH-10yrs and Ex-Servicemen—as per norms. Physical Standards for the post of Fireman: Height—165cms (162.5cms for ST) Chest (Unexpanded/ expanded)—81.5/85 cms. Weight—Minimum 50kgs. Endurance Test for the post of Fireman: (a) Carrying a man (lift of 63.5 kgs) to a distance of 183 mtrs within 96 seconds. (b) Clearing 2.7 mtrs wide ditch landing on both feet (long jump) (c) Climbing of 3mtrs vertical rope using hands and feet. Following Screening test are likely to be conducted for the post of Fireman and Mazdoor: (a) Running of 1600 mtrs, (b) Sit ups, (c) Chin Ups, (d) Lifting of 50 kgs Weight, (e) Stacking of Pkgs, (f) Written test (g) Interview. Date and time of test/ interview will be intimated in due course to the eligible candidates. Selected candidates will be on probation for two years. How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates may apply on application prepared as per the prescribed format only (see the PDF file below) The duly filled Application form shall be enclosed with Attested copies of Educational Certificate, Birth/ Age proof certificate, caste certificate, Domicile certificate and Etc. Attestation shall be done by Gazetted Officer. Candidates shall also enclose one self-addressed envelope (12x18cm) duly stamped with Rs.25/- Last Date and Address: The duly filled application along with enclosures shall reach the following address on or before 18/04/2014 by post — Officer Commanding, 26 Ammunition Company, Pin—909426, C/O 56 APO For complete details and Application form, please see the following PDF file — http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/26_Ammu_56_APO.pdf |
GSF, Cossipore, Kolkata is recruiting 18 Primary Teacher, Stenographer, Fireman & Durwan Posted: 29 Mar 2014 06:57 AM PDT ![]() GSF COSSIPORE, KOLKATA, REQUIRES 18 PRIMARY TEACHER, STENO, FIREMAN AND DURWAN. 1. PRIMARY TEACHER Number of Vacancies: 3 Nos. (Gen—2; OBC—1) Qualification: Pay Scale: Rs.9300—34800 with Grade Pay: Rs.4200/- 2. STENOGRAPHER Number of Vacancies: 03 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: Pay Scale: Rs.5200—20200 with Grade Pay: Rs.2400/- 3. FIREMAN Number of Vacancies: 5 Nos. (Gen—2; SC—2; OBC—1) Qualification: Pay Scale: Rs.5200—20200 with Grade Pay: Rs.1900/- 4. DURWAN Number of Vacancies: 7 Nos. (Gen—4; OBC—3) Qualification: Pay Scale: Rs.5200—20200 with Grade Pay: Rs.1800/- The detailed information about the posts and eligibility criteria are available on GSF website – www.gsf.gov.in The desirous candidates may visit the factory's website for applying online. The online application link will be available within 48 hours from the date of publication of this advertisement (in Employment News) We may update this post once the full and final notification is released officially and is available with us. For complete details and Application form, please visit the following url — https://www.gsf.gov.in/index.php?id=82&pid=7 (Online application link will be activated within 48 hours from the date of publication of this advertisement) |
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