By Lori Dorn on Jul 30, 2014 01:49 pm A calico cat named Lux, who seems to have a real fascination for refrigeration, cleverly opens up the freezer door to get at the wrapped fish filets inside in this amusing video posted in 2012 by miranda m. Lux used to open our freezer as seen above. She would try to get any fish she could get her paws on. Her favorite was salmon! We had to use all kinds of methods to keep the freezer door shut. Lux’s fascination is further demonstrated by her eagerness to climb in to the open refrigerator as well as the open freezer in these additional videos, also posted in 2012. via Tastefully Offensive Read in browser »  By EDW Lynch on Jul 30, 2014 01:31 pm In his latest video, filmmaker Casey Neistat explains a clever organizational system, consisting of 39 little red boxes, that he uses in his Manhattan production studio. The video is the first segment in his new series on his production studio, the “Studio Series.” Back in 2013 we posted a Gizmodo video in which Neistat gave a tour of his studio . Read in browser »  By Lori Dorn on Jul 30, 2014 01:23 pm Educator Asaf Bar-Yosef talks about the history of barometers and what makes them work in this TedEd lesson animated by Mara Fradella. A barometer is an instrument that measures air pressure, allowing weather forecasters and scientists to better predict extreme weather events. Despite its incredible usefulness, inventing the barometer was no walk in the park. Read in browser »  By Rollin Bishop on Jul 30, 2014 12:58 pm Seinfeld – The Junior Mint [4x20] YouTube user Tunglebrek has created a series of videos that strip episodes television sitcoms — specifically Seinfeld, Friends, and The Big Bang Theory — of all the jokes to leave only the plot. Without jokes, the episodes only last around three minutes. Friends – The One with the Apothecary Table [6x11] The Big Bang Theory – The Cruciferous Vegetable Amplification [4x02] via reddit, Tastefully Offensive Read in browser »  By Justin Page on Jul 30, 2014 12:44 pm Pomplamoose performs a fantastic cover of the 1979 song “Video Killed the Radio Star” by The Buggles in a new projection-mapped music video. Their newly released album, Season 2, is available to purchase online from iTunes and Loudr. We hung white table clothes on the walls of our studio and built sets out of foam core to create a “3D” screen. Only one projector was used to project images onto the various surfaces. Read in browser »  By Brian Heater on Jul 30, 2014 11:32 am  "The Infinite Corpse" is ongoing collaborative comic about a talking skeleton masterminded by Chicago's Trubble Club cartoonist collective that features a rotating cast of artists carrying the narrative forward three panels at a time. The collective has a handful of rules governing the work of each new cartoonist and each piece needs to be approved by a panel of artists, but the sky is the limit otherwise. Each new artist is asked to follow another artist’s 3 panels with their own. Each artist is allowed to take the comic anywhere they want (a few seconds forward, a million years in the future, 20 years in the past, etc) as long as they follow the 7 simple rules. Recent contributors include Michael Kupperman, Aaron Renier and Peter Kuper.     images via The Infinite Corpse via Who Killed Bambi? Read in browser »  By Justin Page on Jul 30, 2014 11:32 am  Folks at the Burbank, California-based restaurant Not a Burger Stand have come up with an amusing way of offering discounts to their customers. Each week they draw up a new famous television show or movie character on a chalkboard and note that if customers order their food in the voice of or dress up as the character shown, they will receive a certain percentage off the bill. More photos of Not a Burger Stand’s chalkboard drawings and offerings are available on their Facebook and Tumblr blog.      photos via Not a Burger Stand via Ufunk, DesignTAXI Read in browser »  By Brian Heater on Jul 30, 2014 11:00 am "The Human Coin" by Kuma Films captures some first-person GoPro footage of Taiwanese street performer Isaac Hou spinning his his giant metal Cyr wheel. As Kuma cautions, the video may not be for those who are prone to nausea. Warning: This video may cause nausea and vomiting…enjoy the ride! Hou was also the subject of the production company'srecent "Lord of the Ring" short. Read in browser »  By Justin Page on Jul 30, 2014 10:57 am Dave Hax shows off a simple way to prepare and serve a watermelon that is great for parties or sharing with friends. Hax cuts a whole watermelon in half, turns one of the halves face down on the cutting board, and then slices it into small squares. With the watermelon half still turned over, guests can then simply pull out the tiny watermelon chunks and enjoy. Great way to prepare and serve a watermelon. With just a few cuts your watermelon will impress your friends and be perfect for serving at a party. Fun and simple food hack. music by Kevin MacLeod – “Plucky Daisy“ Read in browser »  By Brian Heater on Jul 30, 2014 10:46 am Gagan Satish, a six-year-old living in Bangalore, India, showcased his extreme flexibility by roller skating under 39 large cars parked side by side for a total of 227 feet in 29.8 seconds. The record is still under consideration from the Guinness Book. The title currently belongs to an Indian boy named Shreeya Rakesh Deshpande, who was five when he skated under 27 cars for a total of 158 feet. The clearance space between the underside of the car and the ground for Satish's attempt was a mere 7.9 inches. Read in browser »  By Brian Heater on Jul 30, 2014 10:16 am YouTube user clemtinite has posted a reversed video of a religious television program listening to the Led Zeppelin classic "Stairway to Heaven" in reverse. The intent of the original show was to hunt for backmasked messages in the song — words and phrases sometimes thought to be of satanic origins hidden in songs by playing them in reverse on a multi-track recording. By running the video backward, the Zeppelin song comes through as normal, prompting YouTube commenters to hunt for messages in their backward interpretation of the song. At 00:23 he says “they all wanted us in the Alps” and then at 01:12 he says “yes, you Sam in Missouri, hero from the…” submitted via Laughing Squid Tips Read in browser »  By Justin Page on Jul 30, 2014 10:14 am  (larger) Pop Chart Lab has created “The Hip-Hop Flow Chart“, a new art print that ranks well-known rappers (Drake, the Wu-Tang Clan and and 2Pac) by the “number of unique words used in each artist's first 35,000 lyrics.” Signed and numbered prints are available to purchase online. What’s more, each of these virtuosos of verse is then color-coded by their area of origin—all adding up to a fun, flava-ful flow chart that's equally at home on the wall of a hip-hop habitué, etymology enthusiast or die-hard data junkie.  images via Pop Chart Lab Read in browser »  By Brian Heater on Jul 30, 2014 10:00 am Adam Savage once again visited the San Diego Comic-Con floor disguised in elaborate cosplay, this time in a homemade version of the spacesuit John Hurt wore in the original Alien film. To fully obscure his identity, the MythBuster had a facehugger alien attached to the outside of his helmet. That is the shizzle right there. Inside, the suit, Savage also donned an ice vest, as cast members of the 1979 sci-fi horror classic had passed out wearing the suits while filming. Last year, he made his rounds on the Comic Con floor dressed as Admiral Ackbar from Return of the Jedi. Read in browser »  By Lori Dorn on Jul 30, 2014 09:55 am A nervous cat, seemingly very uneasy about being outside for the first time, tries to seek refuge inside a woman’s purse while still attached to a leash in this heart-wrenching video posted by ignoramusky. via Nothing To Do With Arbroath Read in browser »  By Justin Page on Jul 30, 2014 09:50 am Mario Wienerroither recently stripped all of the hard-hitting music out of the music video for “Turn Down for What” by Lil Jon and DJ Snake. He then dubbed over the video with crazy sounds and vocals. Here is the original music video for comparison: Read in browser »  By Brian Heater on Jul 30, 2014 09:36 am Monty Python has begun releasing clips from their recent Monty Python Live (Mostly) reunion shows at the O2 Arena in London, beginning with a return of the pioneering British sketch group’s beloved Spanish Inquisition bit. The sketch stars Michael Palin, Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones as three Spanish Cardinals who pop up in unexpected places — though this time out, things don't go exactly as planned. Read in browser »  By Brian Heater on Jul 30, 2014 09:19 am YouTube song remixer Andy Rehfeldt has applied his trade to "Is This Love," turning one of the signature songs by reggae legend Bob Marley into a distortion-fueled heavy metal number. Rehfeldt has been pumping out a number of genre-swapped remixes over the last few years, including a death metal version of Louis Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World" and Dio's "Holy Diver" rejiggered as a jazz tune. Read in browser »  By Rollin Bishop on Jul 30, 2014 09:04 am Mouth Silence is a mashup mixtape by Neil Cicierega that mixes and matches a number of sounds from movies, television, music, and more to create something altogether surreal. For example, one song includes a quote from Herman Cain quoting the Pokémon movie at the end of his unsuccessful bid for presidential nomination, and another samples a very specific scene from Disney’s The Lion King. Mouth Silence is a prequel of sorts to Mouth Sounds, a previous mashup mixtape of Cicierega’s. The full mixtape is available for streaming via SoundCloud, and it can be downloaded in MP3 or FLAC formats. Read in browser »  By Justin Page on Jul 30, 2014 08:52 am Ben Craw and Oliver Noble have created a supercut video for The Huffington Post of every time actor Samuel L. Jackson says “motherf*cker” in a movie. The full list of the films, in order of appearance, is available on HuffPost Entertainment. From childhood, saying "motherfucker" and other swears was the only thing that helped Jackson overcome his debilitating stutter, and at last count he has spelled the phrase at least 151 unique ways on Twitter. But the actor's most enduring contribution to the cuss will doubtless be his silver-screen legacy. Jackson has uttered "motherfucker" 171 times in 27 different movies, demonstrating more range with this single expletive than most actors display in their entire oeuvre. Read in browser »  By Justin Page on Jul 30, 2014 08:35 am 60 talented residents of the Diana Isaac Retirement Village in Christchurch, New Zealand came together to perform a fantastic remake of the music video for the hit song “Happy” by Pharrell. Their uplifting rendition of the music video is appropriately titled “80-odd Years of Happy.” Here is the original music video: via 22 Words Read in browser »  Recent Articles:
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