Employment News Today |
- State Bank of India Recruitment 2014 | 2986 P.O Jobs in SBI Associate Banks | SBI Online Form and Notification
- How to Prepare for SBI Probationary Officer Exam 2014?
- What is the Difference Between SBI PO Jobs and Other Banks PO Jobs?
- List of All Bank’s Job Notifications and Online Applications
Posted: 30 Aug 2014 04:31 AM PDT ![]() State Bank of India (SBI), Central Recruitment & Promotion Department released Advertisement No. CRPD/PO/AB/2014-15/04 to recruit 2986 probationary officer posts in Associate Banks of State Bank of India. The employment notice is published in www.sbi.co.in & www.statebankofindia.com inviting online applications which start from 1stSeptember to 18th September, 2014. Part of this SBI job notification details like qualifications, age limit and online application link are given below for our readers. SBI Probationary Officers Recruitment 2014 Important DetailsTotal Vacancies: 2986 out of which General candidates are allotted 1295, OBC-743, ST-533 and SC 415. Age limit is 21 to 30 years and age relaxation is there for reserved candidates. Educational Qualifications: any candidate who has completed graduation can apply for these posts Pay Scale: Rs 14500-600/7-18700-700/ 2-20100-800/7-25700 SBI Associate Bank wise vacancy details
SBBJ – State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur SBH – State Bank of Hyderabad SBM – State Bank of Mysore SBP – State Bank of Patiala SBT – State Bank of Travencore SBI Associate Banks PO Selection processLike other banks State bank of India does not consider IBPS score for it's recruitment. It has it's separate selection process to recruit staff. SBI is conducting written test (Phase-1) and then Group Discussion / interview (Phase-2) to employ 1837 Probationary officers. Phase -1 consists of Objective type (200 marks) and Descriptive Type (50 marks) for a total of 250 marks. Phase -2 consists of Group Test and Interview for 50 marks. Candidates qualified in both of these phases will be finally selected.
SBI Probationary Officers Application ProcessCandidates eligible and interested for the State Bank of India Probationary posts can register themselves in websites www.statebankofindia.comor www.sbi.co.in from 1stSeptember to 18th September, 2014. After online registration they have to pay the application fee by downloading the fee payment challan and pay the prescribed amount in State Bank of India branches or through online mode. Please see our SBI PO Written Test preparation tips in - How to Prepare for SBI Probationary Officers Examination 2014? Important dates of SBI Associated Banks Recruitment 2014Online applications start from 1st Sep to 18th Sep, 2014 Fee payment last dates are 18thSep (online) and 20th Sep (Offline) Written Test: Nov, 2014 SBI OLD Notification (Closed) State Bank of India, Central Recruitment and Promotion Board invited online applications for recruitment of Specialist Cadre Officers in SBI. It is conducting an online examination on 19th April, 2014 for the employment of the Officers in MMGS-III, MMGS-II and JMGS-1 and released notification in www.statebankofindia.com and www.sbi.co.in. There are 393 vacant posts to be filled up through this exam in SBI and it's associated banks, Stat Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur, State Bank of Hyderabad, State Bank of Mysore, Stat Bank of Patiala and State Bank of Travencore, for which the online registrations start from 17th February, 2014. We are publishing some important details of this employment news for our regular and valuable readers. SBI Recruitment 2014 for Specialist Officers InformationAge limit is 21 to 35 for these posts Pay Scale: Rs 25700-800/5-29700-900/2-31500 Academic Qualifications: Post Graduation in statistics / Applied Statistics / Econometrics with 60% marks Experience: 4 years Dy. Manager (Statician) MMGS-II: 2 Posts Age limit is 22 to 30 for these posts Pay Scale: Rs 19400-700/1-20100-800/10-28100 Academic Qualifications: Post Graduation in statistics / Applied Statistics / Econometrics with 60% marks Experience: 2 years Assistant Manager (Statician) JMGS-I: 9 Posts Age limit is 21 to 30 for these posts Pay Scale: Rs 14500 - 600/7 – 18700 - 700/2 – 20100 - 800/7 - 25700 Academic Qualifications: Post Graduation in statistics / Applied Statistics / Econometrics with 60% marks Experience: 1 year Chief Manager (Analyst) SMGS-IV: 2 Posts Age limit is 21 to 40 for these posts Pay Scale: Rs 30600-900/4-34200-1000/2-36200 Academic Qualifications: M. Sc. (Statistics /Operations Research/ Computer Science) OR MCA/BE/B.Tech. (CS/IT) OR MBA full time from a reputed Institute Experience: 7 years Assistant Manager (Librarian) JMGS-I: 2 Posts Age limit is 21 to 30 for these posts Pay Scale: Rs 14500 - 600/7 – 18700 - 700/2 – 20100 - 800/7 - 25700 Academic Qualifications: Graduation / Post Graduation in Library Science. Experience: 5 years. Please visit State Bank of India official website www.sbi.co.in for more information. Manager (Chartered Accountant) MMGS-III: 2 Posts Age limit is 21 to 38 for these posts Pay Scale: Rs 25700-800/5-29700-900/2-31500 Academic Qualifications: Chartered Accountancy Experience: 3 years Dy.Manager (Chartered Accountant) MMGS-II: 55 Posts Age limit is 21 to 35 for these posts Pay Scale: Rs 19400-700/1-20100-800/10-28100 Academic Qualifications: Chartered Accountancy Experience: 4 years Assistant Manager (Chartered Accountant) JMGS-I: 21 Posts Age limit is 21 to 30 for these posts Pay Scale: Rs 14500 - 600/7 – 18700 - 700/2 – 20100 - 800/7 - 25700 Academic Qualifications: Chartered Accountancy Experience: Nil Assistant Manager (Economist) JMGS-I: 1 Vacancy Age limit is 21 to 35 for these posts Pay Scale: Rs 14500 - 600/7 – 18700 - 700/2 – 20100 - 800/7 - 25700 Academic Qualifications: M.A Economics Experience: 1 year Assistant General Manager (Risk Management) SMGS-V: 2 Posts Age limit is 21 to 45 for these posts Pay Scale: Rs 36200-1000/2-38200-1100/2-40400 Academic Qualifications: MBA Finance / P.G Diploma in Risk Management Experience: 8 years. You can see the official SBI recruitment notification kept in www.sbi.co.in Chief Manager (Market Risk) SMGS-IV: 1 Post Age limit is 21 to 35 for these posts Pay Scale: Rs 30600-900/4-34200-1000/2-36200 Academic Qualifications: MBA Finance / P.G Diploma in Risk Management Experience: 5 years Manager (Market Risk) MMGS-III: 1 Post Age limit is 21 to 35 for these posts Pay Scale: 25700-800/5-29700-900/2-31500 Academic Qualifications: MBA Finance / P.G Diploma in Risk Management Experience: 4 years Manager (Risk Management) MMGS-III: 8 Posts Age limit is 21 to 35 for these posts Pay Scale: Rs 25700-800/5-29700-900/2-31500 Academic Qualifications: MBA Finance / P.G Diploma in Risk Management Experience: 4 years Dy. Manager (Risk Management) MMGS-II: 2 Posts Age limit is 21 to 30 for these posts Pay Scale: Rs 19400-700/1-20100-800/10-28100 Academic Qualifications: MBA Finance / M.Sc. Statistics / P.G Diploma in Risk Management Experience: 2 years Assistant Manager (Systems) JMGS-I: 207 Posts Age limit is 21 to 30 for these posts Pay Scale: Rs 14500 - 600/7 – 18700 - 700/2 – 20100 - 800/7 - 25700 Academic Qualifications: B.E. / B. Tech in Computer Science/ Computer Application/ Information Technology/ Electronics/ Electronics & Telecommunications/ Electronics & Communications/ Electronics & Instrumentation OR M. Sc. in Electronics/ Electronics & Telecommunications/ Electronics & Communications/ Electronics & Instrumentation/ Computer Science/ Information Technology / Computer Applications OR MCA Experience: Nil Dy. Manager (Civil Engineering) MMGS-II: 9 Posts Age limit is 21 to 35 for these posts Pay Scale: Rs 19400-700/1-20100-800/10-28100 Academic Qualifications: B.E / B. Tech in Civil Engineering with not less than 60% marks Experience: 5 years. More information on SBI recruitment can be found in www.sbi.co.in Assistant Manager (Civil Engineering) JMGS-I: 9 Posts Age limit is 21 to 30 for these posts Pay Scale: Rs 14500 - 600/7 – 18700 - 700/2 – 20100 - 800/7 - 25700 Academic Qualifications: B.E / B. Tech in Civil Engineering with not less than 60% marks Experience: 2 years Dy. Manager (Electrical Engineering) MMGS-II: 4 Posts Age limit is 21 to 33 for these posts Pay Scale: Rs 19400-700/1-20100-800/10-28100 Academic Qualifications: B.E / B. Tech in Electrical Engineering with not less than 60% marks Experience: 3 years Assistant Manager (Electrical Engineering) JMGS-I: 4 Posts Age limit is 21 to 30 for these posts Pay Scale: Rs 14500 - 600/7 – 18700 - 700/2 – 20100 - 800/7 - 25700 Academic Qualifications: B.E / B. Tech in Electrical Engineering with not less than 60% marks Experience: 2 years Dy. Manager (Official Language) MMGS-II: 7 Posts Age limit is 21 to 33 for these posts Pay Scale: Rs 19400-700/1-20100-800/10-28100 Academic Qualifications: Post Graduation in Hindi or English with the opposite subject at degree level. Candidates possessing P.G Degree in Sanskrit can apply for these jobs in SBI if they have studied Hindi and English as subjects at degree level. Experience: 2 years. Full information on experience required for SBI employment can be seen in www.sbi.co.in Assistant Manager (Official Language) JMGS-I: 10 Posts Age limit is 21 to 30 for these posts Pay Scale: Rs 14500 - 600/7 – 18700 - 700/2 – 20100 - 800/7 - 25700 Academic Qualifications: Post Graduation in Hindi or English with the opposite subject at degree level. Candidates possessing P.G Degree in Sanskrit can apply for these jobs in SBI if they have studied Hindi and English as subjects at degree level. Experience: 1 year Assistant General Manager (Law) SMGS-V: 2 Posts Age limit is 40 to 45 for these posts Pay Scale: Rs 36200-1000/2-38200-1100/2-40400 Academic Qualifications: LLB Experience: 15 years Chief Manager (Law) SMGS-IV: 2 Posts Age limit is 21 to 45 for these posts Pay Scale: Rs 30600-900/4-34200-1000/2-36200 Academic Qualifications: LLB Experience: 10 years How to apply for State Bank of India Specialist Officer Posts?SBI has invited online applications and the link is available in both websiteswww.statebankofindia.com and www.sbi.co.in. Candidates found themselves suitable for the above posts can register themselves through the websites mentioned above on or before the closing date 6th March, 2014. Online application link is also available in our websitewww.employment-news-today.com at the end of this posting. State Bank of India Jobs Application process:The candidates interested in SBI jobs have to register themselves in the State Bank of India websites first. Upon online registration they have to download the system generated fee payment Challan and pay the application fee in any of the nearest branches of SBI. If the candidate would like to pay the application fee he can do so using his debit card, credit card or internet banking. After payment of fee the application process will be completed. Important Dates of SBI Recruitment ProcessStarting date of Online Registration: 17th February, 2014 Last date of online registration: 6th March, 2014 Last date payment of fee online: 17th February, 2014 Last date payment of fee offline: 6th March, 2014 Date of online examination: 19th April, 2014 Websites www.statebankofindia.com www.sbi.co.in Published by Employment News Today **************************************************************************************************************************** Some important facts about State Bank of IndiaSBI is one of the oldest banks in India. It was founded in 1955. Earlier to 1955 it was called Imperial Bank of India. SBI is a nationalized bank. It has five associated banks i.e. State bank of Bikaner & Jaipur, State Bank of Hyderabad, State Bank of Mysore, State Bank of Patiala and State Bank of Travancore. State Bank of India has more than 14,000 branches throughout the Country. It has 178 offshore branches. According to 2011 SBI has 156 offices in 32 countries. The total Number of ATMs are more than 21,000. Near about 3,00,000 employees are working in State bank of India. About State Bank of IndiaThe State Bank of India (SBI) was established on 1st July 1955 with the government of India nationalizing the Imperial bank of India and renaming it as the SBI. According to Forbes ranking it stands in the 29th position as the most reputed organization in the world. The SBI has five associate banks and seven non-banking subsidiaries carrying operations under its logo across the country. The state bank of India also has its presence across the globe with 173 overseas offices located in 34 countries. The recruitment process of SBI is done by the central recruitment and promotion department of SBI for the officers and clerical grade posts for all its associate banks and internal promotion requirements. One can register online for the job applications and the selection process is based on written test and interviews to the eligible candidates who meet the required educational qualification and age criteria.Published by Employment News Today | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
How to Prepare for SBI Probationary Officer Exam 2014? Posted: 30 Aug 2014 04:36 AM PDT ![]() Selected candidates will go under 2 year probationary period. After that, depending upon the performance shown during this period he would reach higher level. How to apply for SBI PO Recruitment Test 2014?Candidate has to upload his details first in Bank's Website www.statebankofindia.com or www.sbi.co.in and submit. Take a print out of system generated fee payment challan and pay the fee in any branches of State Bank of India. Once you pay the application fee the process of Application will be completed. After the three days of payment of fee you will receive a SMS and an email too confirming application. Reprint the application confirmation form and fee payment receipt and keep them for future reference. If a candidate is selected for interview these printouts have to be shown. There is no necessary to send them to the bank through post. If the applicant is a government employee and is selected for interview he has take no objection certificate from competent authority before attending the interview. State Bank of India Probationary Officer Selection ProcessCandidate writing the written test has to qualify each test separately. Only those descriptive papers will be evaluated who qualify in Objective type test. Final selection is done depending on the marks scored in the written test (Objective + Descriptive) and Group Discussion test and Interview. Marks are calculated at the ratio of 300:100. Written test marks calculated at the ratio 250:75 and Group discussion and Interview at 50:25. While you prepare for SBI Probationary Officer posts you have to concentrate on all of the parts equally because negligence on any part would keep you away from these prestigious jobs. Phase-1Objective Type Test English Concentrate on Grammar. Questions on Grammar, Vocabulary and comprehension will come. As each part to be qualified separately, if you prepare on Grammar and Comprehension minimum required marks can be scored. Vocabulary is vast so increase it gradually while learning grammar and comprehension. General Awareness Marketing and Computer Knowledge are covered in general awareness. Read newspapers and magazines like "Banking Services Chronicle" etc. regularly. Note down points like recent changes, improvements in banking sector. Learn basic details like evolution and development of State Bank of India. These can be found easily in business magazines, internet and websites like www.wikipedea.org. Learn latest punch lines of brands and tag lines of products etc. Keep yourself ready on basics of computers, role of information technology in banking sector and banking management. Remember this section you can score high with nominal effort. Data Analysis and Interpretation Start with basics of Arithmetic, mathematics properly for interpretation of data. Candidate should know percentages, averages, ratios, tables, squares and cubes etc. These will help you in gaining time. Practicing with old question papers and model papers too will improve your speed and accuracy. Reasoning As far as reasoning is concerned concentrate on logical reasoning. Read the questions two to three times to understand and recognizing the answer properly. Descriptive TestIt is intended to test the written and communication skills of the candidate. Questions will be on Comprehension, précis writing and essay writing. Candidate has to use these skills while performing his duty. So qualifying descriptive paper is a must to be selected for SBI Probationary Officer Posts. Take any standard grammar book and practice it. Write at least 2 essays on the contemporary issues. Read any English news paper in grammar, vocabulary, comprehension and essay writing perspective. Phase-2Group DiscussionCandidate's initiative, expression of thoughts and understanding ability are tested in group discussion. 20 marks are allotted for group discussion, so it should be carefully faced. Avoid speaking loud, irrelevant talk, intervening continuously others while others are speaking. Remember, candidates with cool and soft communication with proper expression of thoughts and arguments can score high in group discussion. It is always better to control your emotions while discussing with others. InterviewCandidate's personality is tested here. Try to explain about yourself as much and properly as possible with proper language and with right use of words. Prepare on with basic details of State bank of India. Questions commonly asked from candidate's hobbies. Leadership qualities, problem solving, crisis management etc. are tested here. Positive attitude, spontaneity and answering actively with smile will help you in succeed in Interview. Finally once again the details of State Bank of India Probationary Officers Recruitment Details in short Applications should be filled in online only and they start from 1st September to 18th September, 2014. Written test is conducted on November, 2014. Written examination is conducted in 211 centers throughout India. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
What is the Difference Between SBI PO Jobs and Other Banks PO Jobs? Posted: 30 Aug 2014 04:33 AM PDT ![]() 1. State Bank of India is not only one of the top most banks in India but is widely popular in the world. 2. Salaries are almost 40% high comparatively with other banks. A newly joined probationary officer can draw almost 8 lakh in cities like Mumbai. Besides this medical and travelling allowances etc. are there. 3. SBI provides home, personal and vehicle loans at nominal interest rates to it's employees. 4. State Bank of India is the only bank which gives 4 increments while joining in it as probationary officer. 5. As SBI has offshore branches too, employees may get a chance to work in abroad. 6. State Bank of India conducts an exam after 2 years probation period. Candidates who show highest performance in this test can get a chance to be appointed directly as deputy managers in MMG Scale-2. Other qualified candidates will be appointed as Assistant managers in Scale-1. 7. Due to attractive promotional system in SBI, candidates showing outstanding performance can reach high positions within a short period. What is the Difference between SBI PO and IBPS PO Exam? In IBPS PO Exam there are 5 parts i.e. quantitative aptitude, reasoning, general English, general awareness and computer knowledge. SBI Probationary Officer Exam has general awareness, computers and marketing as 4th part along with reasoning, Data Analysis and Interpretation, General English. Data analysis and interpretation replaces quantitative aptitude in State Bank of India PO exam. Descriptive test consists of comprehension, short precise, and letter writing and essay writing in English. Candidate should qualify this. Written test qualified candidates have to attend interview and group discussion also. Candidates should qualify these too in order to succeed in State bank of India Probationary Officer Exam. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of All Bank’s Job Notifications and Online Applications Posted: 30 Aug 2014 05:16 AM PDT ![]() Major Recruiters in Banking Industry are – Reserve Bank of India, State Bank of India and its subsidiaries, the rest of Nationalized Banks, IDBI Bank, Private Sector Bans, Co-operative Banks and Regional Rural Banks. List of Latest Bank Job Openings
Banking recruitment agencies take up the recruitment process for filling up of vacancies in Banks. Reserve Bank of India and State Bank of India recruit their staff themselves. Institute of Banking and Personnel Selection (IBPS) is the recruiter for most of the public sector banks. There are a good number of Private Bank Recruitment Agencies in India and to name a few – naukari.com, IBPS, MM Enterprises, Gmark Consultancy Services, Indiamart.com, Shella Consultants, Sahara Placement & Management Consultants, Metro Job Consultancy, Samadhan Consultants, Maxfort Recruitment, Yes HR Solutions, AMC Placement Services, Delhi Placement Bureau, Job Point, Future Placement Services, Bright Placement Services, Gazi Associates and HR Solutions. Except IBPS all the rest of the recruitment agencies conduct recruitments for private banks. There are dozens of websites making available for free the information relating to the Banks, Bank Recruiters and the details of jobs they notified. There are a number of Banking Positions, the nomenclature change with each of the Banks. Broadly, Banking Positions consist of Class I, II, III & IV cadres. Clerical Cadre / Office Assistants (Multi-Purpose)The entry cadres are generally Clerk / Office Assistants with a pay scale of Rs.7200 - 19300, receiving a gross salary of Rs.17,500 PM at the entry point. Minimum qualification is Degree and the eligible age is between 20 to 28 years with 3 year relaxation to OBC and 5 years to SC/ ST. Probationary Officers / Management TraineesProbationary Officer with a pay scale of 14500 - 25700, receiving a gross salary of Rs.31128 PM at the entry point. Minimum qualification is Degree and the eligible age is between 20 to 30 years with 3 year relaxation to OBC and 5 years to SC/ ST/Ex-s. Specialist Banking OfficersBanking Positions also include Specialist Officers in their HR, Admin, Finance, Legal, IT and Audit departments, fixing them in one of the following pay scales, depending upon the nature of duties. Age relaxations will be available depending on their qualifications and past experience. JMGS-I - Rs.14,500/- TO Rs.31,500/-@ MMGS-II - Rs.19,400/- TO Rs.34,200/-@ MMGS-III - Rs.25,700/- TO Rs.35,100/-@ SMGS-IV - Rs.30,600/- TO Rs.36, 200/- SMGS-V - Rs.36,200/- TO Rs.40, 400/- TEG-VI - Rs.42,000/- TO Rs.46,800/- TEG-VII - Rs.46,800/- TO Rs.52,000/ In addition to the Basic Pays shown above, they are eligible for the usual allowance like DA, HRA, CCA, Travelling Allowance, Special Allowance and the fringe benefits, available in the Bank. These Specialist Officers should possess the relevant qualifications and experience in each of the areas of the specialist jobs they are supposed to guide and supervise. For MBA students, there are very good number of opportunities as Marketing Executives, Accounts Officers, Audit Officers / Executives, Investment Banking Specialists, Phone Banking Experts, in addition to the general Probationary Officer cadres. Banking and Finance jobs include, to name a few, Trade Finance (scrutinize and understand the submitted documents like LC, BG, Export/Imports), Wholesale Banking (Corporate Accounting), Finance Analyst (Finance control, Corporate Accounting, Taxation, Balance Sheet, Hedge Funds), Investment Banking (Financial Services, Banking Investments, Insurance, Life Insurance and Mutual Funds), Relationship Manger (Wealth Management, Investment Advisory, Relationship Management), Sales Consultant – Banking & Financial Services ( to guide and control the sales force to achieve the set targets) and Director – Finance (to look after foreign operations). Branch Manager jobs include, to name a few, the Officer in-charge of a branch of a Bank; Collections Account Manager to look after receivables from major banks, Credit Unions; Project Manager, to look after a specific project operations; Relationship Manger, to liaison with outside agencies/ government departments. Banking Careers: Banking today is a niche career for enthusiasts in the field of commerce and accounts, identifying themselves with a career that provides immense opportunities to scale to high positions with the most attractive remunerations in a comfortable work environment. The pay scales for banking student who is a fresher could vary anywhere from Rs.8,000 to Rs.20,000 to begin with. Banking career, while being a career builder, gives a good opportunity to interact with different types of customers, which helps to build an image in the society with the quality of service one renders. Latest Bank job openings: IBPS is has issued a notification for filling up Clerical cadre and Probationary Officer/ Management Trainee posts in various public sector Banks with online registration starting from 12th August 2014 and closing by 1stSeptember 2014. State Bank of India has notified 300 vacancies in the cadre of Special Management Executives and the last date for applying is 11th August 2014. Canara Bank announced 22 vacancies for filling up Clerk and Officer posts, exclusively for Sports persons with 8th September as the last date for applying. Lakshmi Vilas Bank notified various vacancies in Manager, Engineer and Officer cadres. Last date for applying is 16th August 2014. Tamilnadu Mercantile Bank announced a number of Clerical vacancies and applications are to be submitted to them on or before 13th August 2014. Kerala Gramin Bank notified 683 vacancies in the cadres of Officer and Assistant with last date for submission of applications on or before 11th August 2014. It is understood that there are 4000 vacancies in the cadres of Officer and Clerkin UCO Bank and the notification is yet to be released and also it is understood that there are 5000 vacancies in the cadres of Specialist Officer and Clerk in Syndicate Bank and the notification is yet to be release. Bank employment, while providing a good start with the best career opportunities, is a place where employees feel valued and where they are constantly motivated and energized by their superiors. While a good environment aids in the productivity of the Bank, gives a feeling of getting recognition and appreciation to the deserving employees. |
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