By Justin Page on Aug 20, 2014 12:14 pm Filmmaker Marc-Andre Caron (a.k.a. “MonsieurCaron“) has created a great stop-motion animated LEGO version (see previously) of the 1984 supernatural comedy film Ghostbusters. This is an homage to the 30th anniversary of the ‘Ghostbusters’ movie made with everyone’s favorite toy… LEGO bricks. I had to put a lot of ghosts into it, so I added some famous movie “ghosts” as well as a new one. There is no LEGO “Slimer”, so I found someone else (who eat a lot) to fill in.  submitted via Laughing Squid Tips Read in browser »  By Lori Dorn on Aug 20, 2014 12:00 pm In June 2014, Happy Tails Resort in Norfolk, Virgina threw a pool party for their canine clients. Proprietor Jana Underwood graciously shared the day’s fun on YouTube. Read in browser »  By Rollin Bishop on Aug 20, 2014 11:40 am Fox’s Animation Domination High-Def (ADHD) has released an amusing animation featuring the Super Mario World video game theme song with added lyrics. Turns out, Mario’s kind of a jerk. The lyrics were written and performed by writer and voice actress Heather Anne Campbell as part of a new “Songs You Didn’t Know Had Lyrics” series. I was watching old 1970′s SNL sketches, and there’s a great one where Bill Murray sings lyrics to the Star Wars opening. I thought, “Man, I want to do this for a bunch of songs, from different genres and formats,” and pitched SYDKHL. Naturally, Mario had to go first. Read in browser »  By Brian Heater on Aug 20, 2014 11:39 am Ukrainian filmmaker Kirill Neiezhmakov has created a lovely video of Portugal areas Lisbon and Sesimbra that utilizes time-lapse and hyperlapse techniques to explore the ins and outs of the coastal locales. The video, shot in May 2014, is set to the song "World Looking In" by Morcheeba. via Vimeo Staff Picks Read in browser »  By Lori Dorn on Aug 20, 2014 11:39 am  In the latest episode of The Carson Podcast, comedian Mark Malkoff sat down with the incredible comedian, actor, writer, director and producer Mel Brooks who spoke about his history with the legendary Johnny Carson. We discussed Mel appearing on Johnny’s first ever Tonight Show in October 1962, Mel asking Johnny to play the Waco Kid in “Blazing Saddles”, and why Carson was the greatest talk show host ever. Mark had previously featured Mel’s longtime friend and creative partner, Carl Reiner who told also stories about his rich history with Johnny Carson. Appearing as a guest with Johnny over 40 times, Carl Reiner joins Mark to discuss his favorite Carson moments, their famous poker game, and writing for Your Show of Shows.  Read in browser »  By Justin Page on Aug 20, 2014 11:30 am Barack Obama sings the lyrics to “Problem” by Ariana Grande in the latest video edit by baracksdubs. Previously, we wrote about Barack Obama singing "Get Lucky" by Daft Punk, “Fancy” by Iggy Azalea, and “Made in the USA” by Demi Lovato. He’s got one less problem without a certain congressman. The president sings the second song of the summer. The original music video for “Problem”: Read in browser »  By Brian Heater on Aug 20, 2014 11:22 am In “A Day in the Life of a Pizza Tool,” YouTuber and pizza shop employee haberdashery12 attached a GoPro camera to the end of a pair of tongs used to remove hot pans from an oven. The result is a mesmerizing look into the process of working in the kitchen of a busy pizza place. via Viral Viral Videos Read in browser »  By Justin Page on Aug 20, 2014 11:16 am CineFix has released a new episode of 8-Bit Cinema that retells Frank Miller‘s 2005 neo-noir action thriller film Sin City in the form of an 8-bit animated video game. It was written and animated by David Dutton of Dutton Films with music by Henry Dutton. Read in browser »  By Brian Heater on Aug 20, 2014 11:07 am  Liteblades are tools developed by artist Patrick Rochon to create colorful abstract photos known as light paintings. The blades attach to the end of a flashlight to create a glowing effect, which when moved around quickly, creates colorful patterns in photos, such as the ones seen in Rochon’s own "Radiant Light" series.    images via Patrick Rochan submitted via Laughing Squid Tips Read in browser »  By Lori Dorn on Aug 20, 2014 10:46 am An adorable husky puppy named Luna seeks the cold environment she craves by crawling in to the refrigerator and making herself comfortable on a shelf above the veggie drawer. According to her human, Marcela Rodriguez, in a comment on the Official Husky Lovers Facebook page, she always washes her food before cooking or eating it. She is very clean and we wash everything before we cook or eat it…By that time we lived in Miami and the house was cool but cooler for her was better!!!!..Our AC that day was broken. And some days after that too!!!  via Nina Alter Read in browser »  By Justin Page on Aug 20, 2014 10:40 am  Beauty blogger and makeup artist Laura Jenkinson used her particular set of skills to recreate popular cartoon characters on her mouth. Jenkinson’s mouth art portraying Genie from Disney’s animated film Aladdin serves as a great tribute to the late actor and comedian who voiced the character, Robin Williams. More of her characters can be viewed on Instagram.      photos via Laura Jenkinson via Bored Panda Read in browser »  By Brian Heater on Aug 20, 2014 10:39 am "How Do Tornadoes Form" is an animation from TED-Ed that features storm chaser James Spann and directors Iuri Araújo and Guilherme Araújo exploring the science behind the formation of the deadly landlocked storms. What's perhaps most surprising is how much there is we have yet to figure out about the closely studied weather phenomenon. The truth is, there's still a lot we don't know about how tornadoes form. The conditions that may give rise to one tornado won't necessarily cause another. Read in browser »  By Rollin Bishop on Aug 20, 2014 10:26 am  The Digital Ecologies Research Partnership (DERP) is an initiative by websites like reddit to provide public social data to academic researchers. Other involved community websites include Imgur, FARK, StackExchange, and Twitch. DERP specifically aims to solve two major problems: the difficulty for academic researchers to obtain this kind of data, and the difficulty in providing cross-platform analysis. Interested researchers can submit a proposal with a research outline in order to access DERP community data. DERP focuses on providing public data to academic researchers while facilitating an active online research community of Fellows. DERP will only support research that respects user privacy, responsibly uses data, and meets IRB approval. All research supported by DERP will be released openly and made publicly available. Partner platforms may also have additional guidelines and privacy commitments that apply to the research they support. via Tim Hwang Read in browser »  By Brian Heater on Aug 20, 2014 10:22 am YouTube musician NeWT created a medley of some of the most iconic keyboard solos of the 1980s, from "The Final Countdown" by Europe to the "Ghostbusters Theme." via The Awesomer Read in browser »  By Lori Dorn on Aug 20, 2014 10:12 am It seems that watermelons don’t just make good pillows, they also make for terrific head coverings. And while at least one of shironekoshiro’s three cats isn’t completely convinced, they do seem to work as well as any other object that’s been previously used, including a trio of empty snack cups. Read in browser »  Recent Articles:
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