West Bengal and Central Government Jobs and Recruitment News | |
- District Magistrate, Paschim Medinipur requires 36 Accountant, Data Manager and Etc. Last Dt. 30/06/2014
- Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) - Recruitment of 1203 Constable (Driver). Last Dt.19/07/2014 (26.07.14)
- Bharatiya Mahila Bank Ltd (BMB) - Recruitment of 200 Probationary Officers (JMG Scale-I). Last Dt. 25/06/2014
- Himachal Pradesh Gramin Bank (HPGB) - Recruitment of 150 Officers and Office Assistant. Last Dt. 26/06/2014
- EdCIL (India) Limited - Recruitment of 66 Data Entry Operators. Last Dt. 16/6/14 and 19/6/14
Posted: 11 Jun 2014 07:14 AM PDT Govt. of West Bengal – Office of the District Magistrate, Paschim Medinipur, is recruiting 36 Accountant, Accounts-cum-Data Manager and Data Manager for District HQ, Sub-Divisional Offices and Block Offices. Interested and eligible candidates may apply on prescribed application format (See below) along with testimonials. Educational qualification norms and brief details are given below — DM, PASCHIM MEDINIPUR REQUIRES 36 ACCOUNTANTS, ACCOUNTS-CUM-DATA MANAGER & DATA MANAGER. LAST DATE – 30/06/2014. 1. Accountant (for District Head Quarter): 1 Nos. Qualification: Commerce Graduate with Accountancy Honours and Certificate in Computer Application (covering MS Office) and Knowledge of Tally. Minimum 3yrs working experience is desirable. Consolidated Pay: Rs.15000/- per month. 2. Accounts-cum-Data Manager (for District Head Quarter): 2 Nos. Qualification: Commerce Graduate and Certificate in Computer Application (covering MS Office). Minimum one year experience is desirable. Consolidated Pay: Rs.12000/- per month 3. Data Manager (for Sub-Divisional Offices): 4 Nos. Qualification: Graduate in any discipline and Certificate in Computer Application and shall have typing speed of 30 words per minute. Minimum one year experience is desirable. Consolidated Pay: Rs.11000/- per month 4. Data Manager (for Block Offices): 29 Nos. Qualification: Graduate in any discipline and Certificate in Computer Application and shall have typing speed of 30 words per minute. Minimum one year experience is desirable. Consolidated Pay: Rs.11000/- per month Age Limit (For all posts): 18yrs to 37yrs as on 01-01-2014. Age relaxation for SC/ST and OBC candidates is as per Govt. norms. Candidates shall be, preferably, a resident of Paschim Medinipur for the posts of Accountant and Accounts-cum-Data Manager, and preferably a resident of the Sub-Division or Block/adjacent Municipality for which Sub-Division/ Block applying for. Selection of the candidates will be through Written Examination which will be Multiple Choice Question. Candidates who will qualify the Written Test will be called for Viva-voce test. See PDF file below for details. Date and venue will be intimated in due course through Admit card which can be downloaded from the DMO's website – www.paschimmedinipur.gov.in, in due course. How to Apply: Interested candidates may prepare the Application form on plain paper by neatly typing as the given format (See PDF below). Printed/ Typed or Scanned copy of Application form will be also entertained. IMPORTANT — DO NOT ENCLOSE ANY DOCUMENTS/ CERTIFICATES WITH THE APPLICATION FORM. The application form must be accompanied with 02 recent color passport size photograph (one is to be pasted on the application form and other to be stapled with the application form after writing Name, Father's name at the back of the photograph) The filled in application form shall have to be dropped at the drop box specially earmarked for the purpose at SDO's Offices or District Offices, superscribing the top of the envelope as – "Application for the post of ________ for ____________ Block/ Sub-Division/District Head quarter.". The last date of submission of the form is 30/06/2014 up to 5.30 PM. For complete details and Application format, see the following PDF file — http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/p_medinipur_dmo.pdf |
Posted: 11 Jun 2014 07:14 AM PDT ![]() CENTRAL INDUSTRIAL SECURITY FORCE (CISF) REQUIRES 1203 CONSTABLE (DRIVER). LAST DATE – 19/07 (26/07/2014) CONSTABLE (DRIVER) Total No. of vacancies: 1203 (including Backlog vacancies are Ex-Servicemen vacancies) — Backlog vacancies: 743 Nos. (SC—420; ST—128; OBC—195) — Direct/ Current vacancies: 137 Nos. (Gen—71; SC—20; ST—10; OBC—36) — Ex-Serviceman (Backlog vacancies): 308 Nos. — Ex-Serviceman (Current vacancies): 15 Nos. Eligibility Criteria: Matriculation pass or equivalent and should have valid driving licence for Heavy/Transport vehicle, Light vehicle and Motor cycle. Candidates shall have minimum 03 years of driving Heavy Motor Vehicle/Transport Vehicle or Light Motor Vehicle and Motor Cycle as on 19-07-2014. Only male candidates are eligible to apply. Age limit: Between 21yrs to 27yrs as on 19-07-2014. Upper age relaxation for SC/ST - 5yrs; OBC- 3yrs; PWD- 10yrs; Ex-Serviceman and Others - As per norms. Physical Standards: Height—167cms (160cms for ST); Chest (unexpanded/ expanded)— 80cms/ 85 cms (76/81 cms for ST). Cut-off in Height and Chest for Hill area candidates and North Eastern region, is as per norms. (See the PDF file given below). Candidates' Selection: Selection of the candidates will be through – Physical Efficiency Test, Physical Measurement Test, Written Test, Trade Test (Driving and minor repair of vehicle test) and Medical Examination. Exact date and venue of Examination will be intimated in due course to the eligible candidates. Physical Efficiency Test: (i) Run — 800 Meters to be completed in 3 minutes and 15 Seconds. (ii) Long Jump — 11 feet (Candidate will be given 3 chances) (iii) High Jump — 3 feet 6 inches (Candidate will be given 3 chances) For details on candidates' selection step, see the PDF file given below. How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates may apply on prescribed application format (See PDF below) along with enclosures in support of Qualification, Experience, Caste, Age and Etc., in attested copies (attestation by Gazetted Officer only). Candidates must also enclose two self-addressed envelopes (8 x 9 cms) duly affixed with postal stamp of Rs.22/- on each. The envelope containing the Application form and enclosures shall be superscribed with "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF CONSTABLE/DRIVER IN CISF - 2014". Application Fee: Candidates shall prepare a Demand Draft/IPO of Rs.50/- drawn in favour of the Officer to whom the application should be sent. (See list of addressed given in the PDF, as per State wise) Candidates belonging to West Bengal shall prepare the DD/IPO in favour of — Assistant Commandant/DDO, CISF North East Zone, Kolkata and payable at – GPO Kolkata. NO APPLICATION FEE FOR SC/ST AND EX-SERVICEMAN. Last Date and Address: The duly filled application along with enclosures shall reach to the concerned DIG of CISF (Address various from State to State. See the PDF file below for Address lists), by post. Candidates of West Bengal shall addressed their application to — DIG. CISF (North East Zone), Premises No.553, East Kolkata- Township Kasba, Kolkata, West Bengal – 700107 For rest of States, see the PDF below. The last date of receipt of Application is 19/07/2014 (26/07/2014 for Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of Jammu & Kashmir State, Lahaul-Spiti District and Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep) For complete details and Application Form, see the following PDF file — http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/CISF_Const-Driver_rectt.pdf |
Posted: 11 Jun 2014 07:14 AM PDT ![]() BHARATIYA MAHILA BANK LTD (BMB) REQUIRES 200 PROBATIONARY OFFICER (JMG SCALE-I). LAST DATE – 25/06/2014. PROBATIONARY OFFICERS (JMG SCALE-I) Number of Vacancies: 200 Nos. (Gen—102; SC—28; ST—19; OBC—51). Out of them 7 for PWD candidates. Educational Qualification: Degree in any discipline. Essential: Candidates who have been kept in the reserve list vide notification dated 01.04.2014 by IBPS for provisional allotment under CWE PO /MT-III conducted by Institute of Banking & Personnel Selection (IBPS) and have not been provisionally allotted by IBPS to any of the Participating Organisations, are only eligible to apply. See the officially released advertisement for details. Visit the link given below for more details. Age Limit: Minimum 20yrs and maximum 30yrs as on 01-06-2014. Pay Scale: Rs.14500—Rs.25700 plus other allowances as per norms. Initially, only 35 vacancies will be filled immediately and for the rest of the vacancies, the appointments letter would be issued as and when the branches are opened. However the rest of vacancies will be filled on or before 31/03/2015. Selection of the candidates will be on basis of merit, i.e. candidates' performance in CWE PO/MT-III., followed by Interview. The selected candidates will be on probation for a period of two (2) years from the date of joining. How to Apply: Apply online from 12.06.2014 to 25.06.2014 (both dates inclusive) through the Bank's website — www.bmb.co.in (See live URL below). Once the application is submitted, the details cannot be modified. After completion of on-line registration, take system generated print-outs of Registered On-line Application and retain it safely for future correspondence. DO NOT SEND IT TO THE BANK AT THIS STAGE. Important Dates: Starting Date of Online Application: 12/06/2014 Last Date of Online Application: 25/06/2014. Above given information are in brief details. Before applying Online please go through the officially released Advt. Visit the following link for Advt. and Online Application — http://www.bmb.co.in/careers/ (Submission of Application will begin from 12.06.2014) |
Posted: 11 Jun 2014 07:14 AM PDT Himachal Pradesh Gramin Bank (HPGB) is recruiting 150 Officers (Scale-I and Scale-II) and Office Assistant (Multipurpose). Candidates who have appeared and qualified the Common Written Examination conducted by IBPS during September/October 2013, are eligible to apply. Application form is to be submitted through Online mode from the official website of the Bank. Brief details are given below — HIMACHAL PRADESH GRAMIN BANK RECRUITMENT OF 150 OFFICERS AND OFFICE ASSISTANT (MULTIPURPOSE). LAST DATE – 26/06/2014. 1. Officer Scale-III: 3 Nos. 2. Officer Scale-II (General Banking): 7 Nos. 3. Officer Scale-II (IT): 2nos. 4. Officer SCale-II (CA): 1nos. 5. Officer Scale-II (Marketing Officer): 1 Nos. 6. Officer SCale-II (Agriculture Officer): 1 Nos. 7. Officer Scale-I: 58 Nos. 8. Office Assistant (Multipurpose): 77 Nos. Qualification and Experience: Eligibility criteria is as per norms laid RRBs. See the link below. Essential Requirement: Candidates must have qualified the Common Written Examination (CWE-II) conducted by IBPS in the month of Sept/ Oct. 2013. For Standard Qualifying Marks and TWS, See the link provided below. Language Proficiency: Candidates applying for Officer Scale-I and Office Assistant, shall be proficient in local language of Himachal Pradesh, i.e. Hindi. SCALE OF PAY: 1. Officer Scale –III: Rs.25700— Rs.31500 2. Officer Scale – II: Rs.19400 — Rs.28100 3. Officer Scale – I: Rs.14500—Rs.25700 4. Office Assistant (M.P.): Rs.7200— Rs.19300 PROBATION PERIOD: Selected candidates will be on probation for a period of 1. Officer – Scale I, II & III: 2 years 2. Office Assistant (M.P.): 1 year Candidates' Selection: Selection will be made on the basis of performance in RRBs- CWE-II conducted by IBPS in September/ October 2013 and Personal Interview. The Interview will be held at the Mandi (H.P.) and the complete address of the venue will be advised in the call letters. Application Fee: Candidates willing to apply shall pay Application Fee of Rs.100/- (Rs.20 if SC/ST/PWD/ Ex-Serv.) Fee can be paid through online mode during submission of online Application form or can be paid through bank transaction by means of Fee payment Challan. Refer the released advt. for details (See link below). How to Apply: Apply Online only through Bank's website www.himachalgraminbank.org (See live URL below) between 11.06.2014 and 26.06.2014 After going through the final step of online Application form and successful submission of it, the system generated Registration Slip with unique Registration Number will appear on the computer screen. Candidates must print-out it and shall retain it safely for future correspondence. DO NOT SENT IT TO THE BANK AT THIS STAGE. Important Dates: Starting Date of Online Application: 11/06/2014 Last Date of Online Application: 26/06/2014. Above given information are in brief details. Before applying Online please go through the officially released Advt. Visit the following link for Advt. and Online Application — |
EdCIL (India) Limited - Recruitment of 66 Data Entry Operators. Last Dt. 16/6/14 and 19/6/14 Posted: 11 Jun 2014 12:21 AM PDT EdCIL (India) Limited is recruiting 66 Data Entry Operators on contractual basis for Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) and Deptt. Of Higher Education (MHRD), New Delhi. Advertisement No. 10/2014 & 11/2014. Interested and eligible candidates may apply on prescribed application format (See below) along with testimonials. Educational qualification norms and brief details are given below. EdCIL (INDIA) LTD REQUIRES 66 DATA ENTRY OPERATORS ON CONTRACTUAL BASIS. LAST DATE – 16/06/14 & 19/06/14 Advertisement No. 10/2014 Vacancies for Department of Higher Education, MHRD, New Delhi DATA ENTRY OPERATOR Number of Vacancies: 50 Nos. Educational Qualification: Degree or equivalent and Proficiency in Stenography. Shall have two or three years of experience as Data Entry Operator/Stenographer AND knowledge of computer application with 8000 key depression per hour on computer/ EDP Pay: Rs.13300/- per month Advertisement No. 11/2014 Vacancies for Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), New Delhi. DATA ENTRY OPERATOR Educational Qualification: Matriculation or class 10 pass or Graduation. Shall have one or two years of experience as Data Entry Operator or equivalent AND knowledge of computer application with 8000 key depression per hour on computer/ EDP Pay: Rs.12000/- per month if Matriculation or Rs.13000/- per month if Graduation. Age Limit: Maximum 40yrs as on 01-06-2014. Upper age relaxation for SC/ST - 5yrs; OBC- 3yrs; PWD- 10yrs; Ex-Serviceman and Others - As per norms. The selection of the candidates will be through Skill test followed by Interview. Date and venue of selection steps will be intimated in due course to the eligible candidates. How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates may apply on prescribed application format along with testimonials in support of Educational Qualification, Experience, Caste and Etc. Last Date and Address: The duly filled Application form along with enclosures is to be addressed to — Project Manager (PRU), EdCIL House, Plot No. 18A, Sector-16A, Noida (UP) – 201301, by Speed/Registered or Courier. Superscribe the top of the application containing envelope with — "Application for the post of _______ against Advertisement No.______". Last Date of receipt of Application: For vacancies in Advt. No. 10/2014: 19/06/2014 (5PM) For vacancies in Advt. No. 11/2014: 16/06/2014 (5PM) For complete details and Application form, see the following PDF file — For Advt. 10/2014, See the following PDF — http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/edcil_advt_10-2014.pdf For Advt. 11/2014, See the following PDF — http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/edcil_advt_11-2014.pdf |
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