West Bengal and Central Government Jobs and Recruitment News
by Unknown on Tuesday, 31 December 2013
West Bengal and Central Government Jobs and Recruitment News | |
- Heavy Engineering Corporation Limited — 182 Graduate and Diploma Apprentice for Apprenticeship Training. Last Dt. 31/01/2014
- Central Sheep & Wool Research Institute — 12 Skilled Support Staff, T-3 (Techl Asst.) & T-1 (Tech Lab). Last Dt. 27/01/2014 (11/2/2014)
- Indian Air Force — Recruitment of Lower Division Clerk, Multitasking Staff, Safaiwala, Etc. Last Dt. 25/01/2014
- HQ Base Workshop Group EME — Recruitment of various Skilled and Semi Skilled posts. Last Date - 01/02/2014 (8.2.2014)
Posted: 31 Dec 2013 05:10 AM PST HEC LTD — APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING FOR 182 CANDIDATES (GRADUATE APPRENTICE AND DIPLOMA APPRENTICE). LAST DATE — 31/01/2014. GRADUATE APPRENTICE: TOTAL 69 POSTS — Computer/ Information Technology (IT): 06 Nos. — Mechanical/ Production: 36 Nos. — Electrical/ Electronics/ Communication: 11 Nos. — Civil Engineering: 04 Nos. — Metallurgy, Foundry Tech.: 09 Nos. — Industrial Engg. Production Engg. & Industrial Management: 03 Nos. DIPLOMA APPRENTICE: TOTAL 113 POSTS — Computer/ Information Technology (IT): 13 Nos. — Mechanical/ Production: 46 Nos. — Electrical/ Electronics/ Communication: 21 Nos. — Civil Engineering: 06 Nos. — Library Science: 01 Nos. — Hotel Management & Catering: 01 Nos. — Refrigeration & Air Condition: 02 Nos. — Metallurgy, Foundry Tech.: 04 Nos. — Industrial Engg. Production Engg. & Industrial Management: 05 Nos. — Secretarial and Commercial Practice: 14 Nos. Educational Qualification: — For Graduate Apprentice: Engineering Degree in appropriate Discipline/ Stream or equivalent with minimum 60% marks in aggregate (55% for SC/ST candidates). For Diploma Apprentice: Engineering Diploma in appropriate Discipline/ Stream or equivalent with minimum 60% marks in aggregate (55% for SC/ST candidates). N.B: Candidates must have obtained the Graduate or Diploma qualification on or after 2009. Age Limit: Between 18yrs to 27yrs as on 31.10.2013. Upper age relaxation for SC/ST - 5yrs; OBC- 3yrs; PWD- 10yrs; Others - As per norms. Candidates' Selection: On basis of academic performance of the candidates, the candidates will be shortlisted merit wise. Only shortlisted candidates will be further called for Interview. Finally candidates will go through Medical Examination for fitness test. List of shortlisted candidates as well as venue and date of Interview will be intimated in due course. Such information will be available in the official website of HEC Ltd — www.hecltd.com Application Fee: Candidates willing to apply must pay Application Fee of Rs.500/- in form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of – Heavy Engineering Corporation Ltd (Heavy Engineering Corporation Ltd.) and payable at – Ranchi. How to Apply: Apply on prescribed application format only (See the below given PDF). Application form can be prepared on plain paper by neatly typing as per the format. The Application form must be enclosed with essential documents in support of eligibility such as Qualification certificate and Marksheet, Age proof document, Caste certificate, Demand Draft and Etc. Last Date and Address: The duly filled Application form along with enclosures must reach on or before 31/01/2014 by Post/ Courier at the following address — Senior Deputy General Manager (H.T.I), H.E.C Training Institute, H.E.C. Ltd, Plant Plaza Road, Durwa, Ranchi – 834 004 For more details and Application form, see the following PDF file — http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/HEC_LTD-Graduate-Diploma_Apprentices.pdf |
Posted: 31 Dec 2013 05:10 AM PST ![]() CENTRAL SHEEP & WOOL RESEARCH INSTITUTE REQUIRES 12 TECHNICAL/ SKILLED SUPPORT STAFF POSTS. LAST DATE — 27/01/2014 (11/2/2014) 1. Skilled Support Staff: 08 Nos. Qualification: Matriculation or equivalent OR ITI Pass. Pay Scale: Rs.5200—20200 and Grade Pay: Rs.1800/- 2. T-3 (Technical Assistant) (Farm Engineer) Cat.II: 1 Nos. Qualification: Bachelor's degree in Agricultural Engineering or Three years diploma or equivalent qualification. Experience in the relevant field is desirable. Pay Scale: Rs.5200—20200 and Grade Pay: Rs.2800/- 3. T-1 (Technician Laboratory) Cat.I: 03 Nos. Qualification: Matriculate with atleast one year certificate in Laboratory Experience in relevant field is desirable. Pay Scale: Rs.5200—20200 and Grade Pay: Rs.2000/- Age Limit: Between 18yrs to 25yrs for Skilled Suport Staff and 18 to 30 yrs for T-3 (Technical Asst.) and T-1 (Technician). Upper age relaxation for SC/ST is 3yrs and OBC – 3yrs, whereas 10 years for PWD candidates. For others – as per norms. The engagement will be on temporary basis but likely to be continue. Selection of the candidates will be through Open Competitive Examination and Interview. Date and venue will be intimated to the shortlisted candidates in due course. How to Apply: Apply on prescribed application format (See the below PDF file) along with attested copies of testimonials in support of Qualification, age, caste and Etc. Candidates must also enclose a crossed Demand Draft of Rs.250/- (as Application Fee) drawn in favour of ICAR Unit CSWRI payable at State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur, State Bank of India and Bank of Baroda, Malpura. No Application Fee for SC/ST candidates. The duly filled Application form along with enclosures is to be addressed to — The Director, Central Sheep & Wool Research Institute, Avikanagar, Tehsil- Malpura, Dist—Tonk (Rajasthan)—304501. The envelope containing the Application form must be superscribed with – "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ________". Last Date of Application: The Application form must reach the above address on or before 27/01/2014 (11/02/2014 for candidates from Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of Jammu & Kashmir State, Lahaul-Spiti District and Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep) For details and Application form, see the following PDF file — http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/CSWRI_SkilledSupport_T3_T1_Tech.pdf |
Posted: 31 Dec 2013 05:10 AM PST Under Ministry of Defence, Indian Air Force is inviting application from eligible Male and Female candidates from the following posts — Lower Division Clerk, MTD (OG), Cook, Painter, MTS, Safaiwala, Etc. Interested candidates may apply on prescribed application format within below scheduled date. Educational qualification norms and eligibility norms in brief are given below — INDIAN AIR FORCE RECRUITMENT OF LDC, MTD, COOK, MTS, SAFAIWALA, ETC. APPLY ON PRESCRIBED FORMAT WITHIN — 25/01/2014. 1. Lower Division Clerk: 2 Nos. (Gen—1; OBC—1) Qualification: Class 12 pass or equivalent and must have Typing speed of 30 words per minute in English OR Typing speed of 35 words per minute in English on Computer. 2. MTD (OG): 1 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: Matriculation and must be holding a valid civil driving licence for light and vehicle as well as two year driving experience. 3. Cook: 5 Nos. (Gen—3; OBC—1; SC—1) Qualification: Matriculation and minimum 06 months of experience in the trade. 4. Painter: 1 Nos. (OBC) Qualification: ITI Certificate in the appropriate/ akin field or trade 5.Multi Tasking Staff (MTS): 16 Nos. (Gen—7; OBC—6; SC—2; PH—1) Qualification: Matriculation or equivalent. Desirable — one year of experience as Watchman or Lascar or Gestetner Operator or Mali is desirable. 6. Mess Staff: 10 Nos. (Gen—3; OBC—4; SC—3) Qualification: Matriculation or equivalent examination. Desirable—One year experience as Waiter or Washer-up is desirable. 7. Safaiwala: 7 Nos. (Gen—1; OBC—2; SC—3; ST—1) Qualification: Matriculation or equivalent 8. Aya: 03 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: Matriculation or equivalent and One year of experience as Ayah in Hospitals or Nursing Homes Age Limit: 18 to 27 years for the post of Lower Division Clerk (LDC) only and between 18 to 25 years for all other trades, as on last date of receipt of application. Upper age relaxation for SC/ST - 5yrs; OBC- 3yrs; PWD- 10yrs; Ex-Serviceman and Others - As per norms. Pay Scale: Rs.5200—Rs.20200 and Grade Pay: Rs.1800/ Rs.1900 (as applicable). Selection of the candidates will be Written Test, Trade test (wherever applicable) and Interview. Date and venue will be intimated to the eligible candidates in due course. How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates may apply on prescribed application format (See the below PDF file). The application can be neatly typed on plain paper as the format only. The candidates must enclose all the testimonials and documents in support of qualification, age, caste and etc in copies duly attested by Gazetted Officer. Candidates must also enclose one self-addressed envelope with appropriate postage stamp affixed on it. Last Date and Address: The duly filled envelope along with enclosures must reach by Post on or before 21 days from the date of publication of this advertisement, i.e. Last date is 25/01/2014. Address: The Application form is to be addressed to the desired Station where the applicant opt to apply. For list of Stations along with postal address, see the below given PDF file. For details and Application form, see the following PDF — http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/IAF_Rect-of-LDC_MTS_Etc.pdf |
Posted: 31 Dec 2013 05:10 AM PST ![]() DIRECT RECRUITMENT IN GROUP C POSTS IN THE CORPS OF ELECTRONICS AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. LAST DATE — 1/2/2014 (8.2.2014) 1. Address of the Establishment: COMMANDANT 505 ARMY BASE WORKSHOP EME, DELHI CANTT, DELHI—110010 Name of the post and No. of vacancies — — Tradesman Mate: 1 Nos. — Multi Tasking Staff (Messenger): 1 Nos. 2. Address of the Establishment: COMMANDANT 506 ARMY BASE WORKSHOP EME, POST BOX NO. 41, JABALPUR (MP), PIN—482001 Name of the post and No. of vacancies — — Armament Mechanic, Highly Skilled-II: 2 Nos. — Machinist, Skilled: 9 Nos. — Painter and Decorator, Skilled: 2 Nos. — Carpenter and Joiner, Skilled: 1 Nos. — Fitter, Skilled: 3 Nos. — Tradesman Mate: 6 Nos. — Multi Tasking Staff (Chowkidar): 1 Nos. 3. Address of the Establishment: COMMANDANT 507 ARMY BASE WORKSHOP EME, PO- ESD (MACHINERY) KANKINARA, DIST – 24 PARGANAS (NORTH) (WEST BENGAL), PIN—743124 Name of the post and No. of vacancies — — Tradesman Mate: 5 Nos. — Hospital Orderly: 1 Nos. 4. Address of the Establishment: COMMANDANT 508 ARMY BASE WORKSHOP EME, FORT ALLAHABAD (UP), PIN—211005 Name of the post and No. of vacancies — — Lower Division Clerk: 5 Nos. — Cook: 1 Nos. — Canteen Cook: 1 Nos. — Multi Tasking Staff (Safaiwala): 3 Nos. 5. Address of the Establishment: COMMANDANT 509 ARMY BASE WORKSHOP EME, AGRA (UP), PIN—282001 Name of the post and No. of vacancies — — Electrician (Power), Highly Skilled-II: 1 Nos. — Electrician, Highly Skilled-II: 1 Nos. — Lower Division Clerk: 4 Nos. — Tradesman Mate: 2 Nos. — Multi Tasking Staff (Safaiwala): 1 Nos. — Multi Tasking Staff (Seacher): 1 Nos. 6. Address of the Establishment: 501 ARMY BASE WORKSHOP EME, POST BOX NO.30, MEERUT CANTT, (UP), PIN—250001 Name of the post and No. of Vacancies — — Vehicle Mechanic (Armored Fighting Vehicle), Highly Skilled-II: 7 Nos. — Machinist, Skilled: 3 Nos. — Painter and Decorator, Skilled: 1 Nos. — Rubber and Plastic Moulder, Skilled: 1 Nos. — Tradesman Mate: 17 Nos. 7. Address of the Establishment: COMMANDANT 512 ARMY BASE WORKSHOP EME, KIRKEE, PUNE (MAHARASHTRA) PIN—411003 Name of the post and No. of vacancies — — Cook: 3 Nos. — Welder, Skilled: 4 Nos. — Tradesman Mate: 21 Nos. — Multi Tasking Staff (Messenger): 1 Nos. — Multi Tasking Staff (Safaiwala): 1Nos. — Tailor: 1 Nos. 8. Address of the Establishment: COMMANDANT 515 ARMY BASE WORKSHOP EME, ULSOOR, BANGALORE (KARNATAKA) PIN—560008 Name of the post and No. of vacancies — — Lab Assistant: 1 Nos. — Fire Engine Driver: 1 Nos. 9. Address of the Establishment: VEHICLE DEPOT WORKSHOP EME, PANAGARH PIN—900349, C/O 99 APO Name of the post and No. of vacancies — — Vehicle Mechanic (Motor Vehicle), Skilled: 1 Nos. 10. Address of the Establishment: VEHICLE DEPOT WORKSHOP EME, AVADI, CHENNAI, PIN – 600055 Name of the post and No. of vacancies — — Multi Tasking Staff (Messenger): 1 Nos. 11. Address of the Establishment: VEHICLE DEPOT WORKSHOP EME, KIRKEE, PUNE, PIN—411003 Name of the post and No. of vacancies — — Tradesman Mate: 1 Nos. 12. Address of the Establishment: EQUIPMENT DEPOT WORKSHOP EME, AGRA, PIN—900322, C/O 56 APO Name of the post and No. of vacancies — — Instrument Mechanic, Highly Skilled: 1 Nos. Educational Qualification:— For the post of Electrician (Highly Skilled-II), Armament Mechanic (Highly Skilled-II), Instrument Mechanic (Highly Skilled-II) and Vehicle Mechanic (Armored Fighting Veh, Highly Skilled-II) : Higher Secondary (10+2) or equivalent with ITI Trade certificate in the appropriate field or grade. OR B.Sc or its equivalent with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics For Laboratory Assistant: Graduate in Science with Physics or Chemistry and Mathematics or Diploma in Electrical/ Mechanical Engineering. Experience of 02 years in the field is desirable. For Fire Engine Driver: Matriculation and must have 3 years experience of driving heavy vehicles with valid driving license. Candidates must be physically fit. For Lower Division Clerk: Higher Secondary (12th Pass) and English Typing at 35 words per minute on Computer OR Hindi Typing at 30 words per minute on Computer. For Cook: Matriculation or equivalent and must have knowledge of Indian Cooking and proficiency in trade. For Canteen Cook: Matriculation or equivalent and Diploma in cooking from ITI or Vocational College, etc. For Hospital Orderly: Matriculation or equivalent For Tradesman Mate: Matriculation or equivalent For Tailor: Matriculation and must have experience in tailoring. For all the posts in Multi Tasking Staff: Matriculation or equivalent and conversant with the duties of the respective trades with one years' experience in the trades. For rest of all Skilled Post: Matriculation or equivalent with ITI certificate in the appropriate field or trade. Age Limit (For all post): Between 18yrs to 25yrs as on last date of application. Upper age relaxation for SC/ST - 5yrs; OBC- 3yrs; PWD- 10yrs; Ex-Serviceman and Others - As per norms. Selection of the candidates will be through Written Test, Trade test(wherever applicable) and Interview. date and venue will be intimated to the eligible candidates in due course. How to Apply: Interested candidates may apply on prescribed application format (See the below DPF file) along with a self-addressed envelope with postal stamp of Rs.5/- . Candidates must also enclose Gazetted Officer Attested documents in support of Qualification (Certificate and Mark sheet), Age proof, Caste, and Etc. The top of the envelope must be superscribed with "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF _____". Candidates applying more than one post may send each application separately in sealed envelope. Last Date and Address: The duly filled Application form along with enclosures must reach the respective address (See above respective address of the Establishment) by ORDINARY POST on or before 01/02/2014 (08/02/2014 for candidates from Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of Jammu & Kashmir State, Lahaul-Spiti District and Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep) For details and Application form, see the following PDF file — http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/HQ_Base-Wrkshp_Rectt-Skilled.pdf |
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