WeeklyExam.in - Job and Exam News (in this message: 6 new items)
by Unknown on Tuesday, 16 September 2014
WeeklyExam.in - Job and Exam News (in this message: 6 new items) | |
- SSC Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Exam 2014 Syllabus & Exam Pattern Download.PDF
- SSC CHSL 10+2 Exam Date 2014 Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Exam. 2014
- University of Calcutta Ph.D Admission December 2014-15 Notification & Forms Details
- IIT Madras Ph.D Admission December 2014-15 Notification, Eligibility Details
- IIT Gandhinagar Ph.D Admission December 2014-15 Notification, Date & Eligibility Details
- Ph.D Admission 2014-15 in IIT NIT & Other State College/ University
SSC Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Exam 2014 Syllabus & Exam Pattern Download.PDF Posted: 16 Sep 2014 07:57 PM PDT SSC Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Exam 2014 Syllabus & Exam Pattern Download.PDF |
Sr. No. | Name of Paper | No. of Question | Full Marks | Total Time |
1 | General Intelligence | 50 | 50 | 2 hrs 40 minutes Hours (160 Minute) |
2 | English Language (Basic Knowledge) | 50 | 50 | |
3 | Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skill) | 50 | 50 | |
4 | General Awarness | 50 | 50 | |
Total Marks | 200 | 200 |
Negative Marking will be .25 for wrong answer and no negative marking for un-attempted questions.
NOTE-I : The Paper will consist of Objective Type- Multiple choice questions only. The
questions will be set both in English & Hindi for Part-I, III & IV.
NOTE-II: There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.
NOTE-III: Answer Keys will be placed on Commission's website after written examination. Any representation regarding answer key received within 7 days of uploading of the answer key will be scrutinized and the decision of the Commission in this regard will be final.
NOTE-IV :Commission reserves the right to introduce additional stage of examination which would be notified at suitable time, if considered necessary.
General Intelligence: It would include questions of both verbal and non-verbal type. The test will include questions on Semantic Analogy, Symbolic operations, Symbolic/Number Analogy, Trends, Figural Analogy, Space Orientation ,Semantic Classification, Venn Diagrams, Symbolic/Number Classification, Drawing inferences ,Figural Classification ,Punched hole/pattern-folding & unfolding , Semantic Series, Figural Pattern – folding and completion, Number Series, Embedded figures, Figural Series, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Emotional Intelligence, Word Building, Social Intelligence, Coding and de-coding, Other sub-topics, if any Numerical operations.
General Awareness: Questions are designed to test the candidate‟s general awareness of the environment around him and its application to society. Questions are also designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday observation and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected of an educated person. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General policy and scientific
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- SSC CHSL 2014 Syllabus Download & Exam Pattern – CHSL 10+2 LDC & DEO Syllabus Nov 2014 This article contains SSC CHSL 2014 Syllabus Download & Exam Pattern. Staff Selection Commission CHSL 10+2 LDC & DEO 2014...
SSC CHSL 10+2 Exam Date 2014 Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Exam. 2014
Posted: 16 Sep 2014 07:28 PM PDT
SSC CHSL 10+2 Exam Date 2014 Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Exam. 2014
Weekly Exam 2014 -
Staff Selection Commission has issued Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination date 2014. The SSC CHSL 10+2 will be conducted on 2nd November 2014 and 09th November 2014(Sunday). The admit card for SSC CHSL 10+2 Exam date 2014 will be soon available.
In the mean while candidate are suggested to check SSC CHSL 10+2 LDC DEO Exam 2014 Syllabus of GK, English, Reasoning etc. Please read below…
Name of Organization: Staff Selection Commission.
Details Available: SSC CHSL 10+2 Exam Date 2014 Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Exam. 2014.
Written Exam Dates of SSC 10+2 CHSL: The exam will be held on 02-11-2014 & 09-11-2014.
Staff Selection Commission has released Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination 2014 advertisement in June/ July 2014. SSC CHSL 10+2 selected candidate will be recruited in Lower Division Clerk and Data Entry Operator.Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Lower Division Clerk (LDC) and Data Entry Operator (DEO) 2014 at various Government offices in India. SSC CHSL LDC & DEO Exam Date 2014 exam centers etc details are below.
Check the Official Notice: http://ssc.nic.in/examinations/Tentative_schedule%202014.pdf
SSC Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Exam 2014 Syllabus & Exam Pattern Download.PDF
The post SSC CHSL 10+2 Exam Date 2014 Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Exam. 2014 appeared first on Weekly Exam 2014.
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This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now
University of Calcutta Ph.D Admission December 2014-15 Notification & Forms Details
Posted: 16 Sep 2014 04:53 AM PDT
University of Calcutta Ph.D Admission December 2014-15 Notification & Forms Details
Weekly Exam 2014 -
University of Calcutta (CU) Ph.D Admission 2014-2015 online forms details. Check latest Ph.D admission forms December 2014-2015. Interested candidate can fill CU Ph.D admission December 2014-15 till 26th September.University of Calcutta (CU) in Kolkata has invited applications for admission to Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programme in Statistics offered at the Department of Statistics for the 2014 session.
Name of Organization: University of Calcutta (CU) in Kolkata.
Details Available: University of Calcutta Ph.D Admission December 2014-15 Notification & Forms Details.
Name of the Course: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D).
Duration of Course: 2014 Winters
Type of Course: Full Time/ Part-Time
Eligibility Criteria:
Candidates interested to apply should have completed M.Sc or equivalent degree in Statistics and allied subjects from any UGC recognised university/institute is eligible to apply.
How to Apply:
Selection Procedure for University of Calcutta:
The admission procedure consists of a written test followed by an interview for candidates successful in the same.
Those who have qualified NET/ SET (Mathematical Sciences)/ GATE (Mathematics) or hold a UGC teachers’ fellowship or already obtained M.Phil in Statistics and allied subjects or M. Tech (QR&OR) degree of ISI prior to the application deadline will be exempted from the written examination but will have to appear in the interview.
The admission procedure consists of a written test followed by an interview for candidates successful in the same. Those who have qualified NET / SET (Mathematical Sciences) / GATE (Mathematics) or hold a UGC Teachers’ Fellowship or already obtained M.Phil. in Statistics and allied subjects or M. Tech. (QR&OR) degree of ISI prior to the application deadline will be exempted from the written examination but will have to appear in the interview.
The written test is common to the PhD. and M.Phil programmes for the year 2014. A candidate who qualifies for the PhD programme is automatically eligible to join the M.Phil programme instead, if he/she chooses. However, for exercising this choice, such a candidate must have applied also for the M.Phil programme by the relevant deadline.
The two programmes cannot be pursued simultaneously.
Important Dates:
Last date of submission of application form: September 26, 2014.
Date of common written test: October 14, 2014.
Result of common written test: October 21, 2014.
Date of interview: November 05, 2014.
Date of publication of selection list: November 17, 2014.
Please read more details here: http://www.caluniv.ac.in/
Ph.D Admission 2014-15 in IIT NIT & Other State College/ University
Note: Please check official website of to get latest news and updates regarding PhD admission winter session 2014.
The post University of Calcutta Ph.D Admission December 2014-15 Notification & Forms Details appeared first on Weekly Exam 2014.
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IIT Madras Ph.D Admission December 2014-15 Notification, Eligibility Details
Posted: 16 Sep 2014 04:38 AM PDT
IIT Madras Ph.D Admission December 2014-15 Notification, Eligibility Details
Weekly Exam 2014 -
IIT Madras Ph.D Admission December 2014-15 online application form are now available on official website www.iitm.ac.in. IIT Chennai (Madra) Ph.D & M.S Admission Semester II November/ December 2014-2015 notification, eligibility, important date, fees etc. details are given below. We are also providing link for other IIT NIT PhD Admission 2014-2015. Please check below…
The Indian Institute of Technology Madras/ Chennai (IITM) has invited applications for admission to PhD and MS programmes of July 2015 Semester in the departments of Aerospace, Applied Mechanics, Biotechnology, Chemical, Chemistry, Civil, Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical, Engineering Design, Humanities & Social Sciences, Management Studies, Mathematics, Mechanical, Metallurgical & Materials, Ocean and Physics.
Name of Organization: Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM).
Details Available: IIT Madras Ph.D Admission December 2014-15 Notification, Date & Eligibility Details
Name of the Course: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)..
Duration of Course: 2014 Winters
Type of Course: Full Time/ Part-Time
Eligibility for the PhD and MS Courses can be referred from the link: http://www.iitm.ac.in
Categories of Admission:
Categories of admission in PhD programme:
a) Regular full-time scholars with or without Institute fellowship or with project support.
b) Research scholars sponsored under the Quality Improvement Programme (QIP).
c) Research scholars who are staff members of the Institute
d) Research scholars under the external registration programme sponsored by and employed in industry / orgainsation having R & D facilities and recognised by DST or IIT Madras, national laboratories, reputed universities / colleges or employed in research / analysis jobs in public sector / private sector / government in the case of management area.
e) Research scholars working on a part-time basis from a reputed University / Institution / Organisation. They should have two years' experience for registration in Engineering, Sciences and Humanities & Social Sciences Depts. / Department.
f) Candidates applying for admission in the External / Part time categories:
- Should submit a relief certificate at the time of admission
- Should submit one page write-up about the research topic.
Must belong to any one of the following category:
a) Industry / organization having R& D facilities and recognized by DST, GOI or IIT Madras
b) National Laboratories
c) Reputed Universities / Colleges
d) Public sector / Private sector / Government Departments engaged in research / analysis jobs of their executives in the case of management area.
Categories of admission in MS programme:
a) Regular full time scholars with or without Institute fellowship or with project support.
b) Research scholars who are staff members of the Institute.
c) Research scholars under the external registration programme sponsored by and employed in industry / organisation having R & D facilities and recognized by DST or IIT Madras, national laboratories, reputed universities / colleges or employed in research / analysis jobs in public sector / private sector / government in the case of Management area.
d) Research scholars working on a part-time basis from a reputed University / Institution / Organization. They should have two years' experience.
e)Candidates applying for admission in the External / Part-time categories:
1. Should submit a relief certificate at the time of admission
2. Should submit one page write up about the research topic.
3. Must belong to any one of the following category:
- Industry / organization having R& D facilities and recognized by DST, GoI or IIT Madras
- National Laboratories
- Reputed Universities / Colleges
- Public sector / Private sector / Government Departments engaged in research / analysis jobs of their executives in the case of management area.
Online applications can be submitted at https://research.iitm.ac.in
Last date for Registration of application through online 21-10-2014
Ph.D Admission 2014-15 in IIT NIT & Other State College/ University
Note: Please check official website of to get latest news and updates regarding PhD admission winter session 2014.
The post IIT Madras Ph.D Admission December 2014-15 Notification, Eligibility Details appeared first on Weekly Exam 2014.
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IIT Gandhinagar Ph.D Admission December 2014-15 Notification, Date & Eligibility Details
Posted: 16 Sep 2014 04:25 AM PDT
IIT Gandhinagar Ph.D Admission December 2014-15 Notification, Date & Eligibility Details
Weekly Exam 2014 -
IIT Gandhinagar Ph.D Admission Semester-II Application form & Notification, important date etc. IIT Gandhinagar has issued Ph.D admission December 2014-14 notification online. There is no fees, and candidate has to apply though online ph.d application form. IITGN Ph.D Admission December 2014-15.
IIT Gandhinagar is looking for bright and dedicated young scholars interested in research to join us as Ph.D. scholars. Currently, we offer Ph.D. programmes in Biological Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Cognitive Science, Computer Science and Engineering, Earth Sciences, Electrical Engineering, History, Language & Literature, Materials Science and Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Social Epidemiology and Sociology.
Name of Organization: Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IITGn).
Details Available: IIT Gandhinagar Ph.D Admission December 2014-15 Notification, Date & Eligibility Details
Name of the Course: Master of Technology (M.Tech) or Master of Engineering (M.E)
Duration of Course: 2014 Winters
Type of Course: Full Time/ Part-Time
Minimum Eligibility Criteria
At least 55% marks or 5.5 CPI marks in M.A./M.Sc./B.Tech./M.Tech. or equivalent degree in appropriate branches. Above mentioned eligibility criteria is minimum at Institute level.
For discipline wise minimum eligibility criteria, please click here. The disciplines may use higher cut off levels for short listing. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PD categories would be eligible for relaxations, as pernorms, in the selection criteria.
Credits Requirement
IIT Gandhinagar strongly believes in value addition through course work. There is a significant number of course work a Ph.D. student needs to do depending on his/her background. Ph.D. students entering the programme will have to take total credits ranging from 88 through 120, out of which coursework credits (courses worth 4 credits each) can range anywhere between 32 through 64 credits, depending upon the previous degree attained by the student. Out of the minimum credits through coursework, a minimum of 12 credits are required to be completed through project-based courses.
Qualifying Degree | Minimum Credits through Coursework | Minimum Credits through Research | Total Minimum Credits for Graduation |
B.Tech., BE or equivalent 4-year bachelor's degree | 64 | 52 | 120 |
MSc, MA or equivalent 5-year Master's degree | 44 | 52 | 100 |
M.Tech., M.E & M.Phil. or equivalent | 32 | 52 | 88 |
Financial Support:
Students joining the Ph.D. program as regulars (RR) will be considered for Institute Fellowship based on the following norms:
- Students with B.E./ B.Tech. / B.Arch / B.Sc.(Engg)/ M.Sc. / M.A. / M.Com. degrees or equivalent, who have qualified GATE or National Level test (UGC / CSIR / NBHM / DBT etc.), will be considered for monthly assistantship of Rs.16000/- for the first 2 years and enhanced rate of Rs.18000/- for the remaining 3 years.
B.Tech./B.E. students from Centrally Financed Technical Institutions (CFTIs) with CGPA of more than 7.0 (At the end of their third year) would be considered for financial assistantship without requirement of GATE scores. - Students with M.Tech. / M.E. / M.Arch. / M.Sc.(Engg) or equivalent/ M.Phil./ M.B.B.S / MD / MS degrees and Management students with a combination of M.B.A. and Engineering/ Technical background will be considered for monthly assistantships of Rs. 18000/- for the first 2 years and enhanced rate of Rs.20000/- for the remaining 2 years.
Research Areas [Admissions to Semester II (2014-15)]
Discipline | Tentative Intake | Broad Area of Research | |
Biological Engineering | 04 | Cell Biology, Genomics and Proteomics, DNA Regulatory Mechanisms, Neuroscience, Motor Control, Motor Learning, Macromolecular X-ray Crystallography, Cancer Biology, Biomolecular Simulations, Nucleic Acid Aptamers, Enzyme-nanoparticle Applications, Biomedical Technologies. | |
Chemical Engineering | 04 | Process Systems Engineering, Nanotechnology, Biomedical Engineering, Pharmaceutical Engineering, Dry Powder Processing and Nano-coating, Polymer Processing, Smart Polymeric Materials, System Identification, Waste Water Treatment, Colloids and Interfaces, Rheology. | |
Chemistry | 08 | SiO2 and Carbon composites and Electrochemistry; Networks and Organic Chemistry; Design of Photoresponsive Systems; Synthesis and Studies of Porphyrin-Triarylboron conjugates; Small molecule kinase inhibitors for cancer therapeutics; Asymmetric hydrogen bond donor catalysis. | |
Civil Engineering | 11 | Dynamic response of fine grained soils, Liquefaction and Cyclic Instability in Soils, Constitutive modeling of frictional materials, Numerical Modeling of Geotechnical Structures, Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Modeling of hydrologic extremes (droughts and floods), Real time drought monitoring using remote sensing, Climate change impacts on water resources, Ground motion characterization, Spatial variability of ground motion, Seismic protective systems, Structural performance assessment, Behavior of irregular buildings under seismic excitation, Confined masonry buildings, Multi-physics study of structures under fire, GPU algorithms for structural control, Large Scale Hydrologic Modeling, River hydraulics, Transients in pipes, Transients in open channels | |
Cognitive Science | 03 | Physiology sensitive affective computing, Motor control and learning, serial order and sequence learning, cognition and emotion, attention and action, philosophy of mind | |
Computer Science & Engineering | 08 | Computational complexity, data mining, social networks, approximation algorithms, algorithms for big data, crowdsourcing, machine learning, computer vision, computer architecture, computer organization and systems, physiologically informed intelligent human computer interaction, complex networks and application to social and biological systems, design and analysis of cryptographic algorithms, cloud security, crypto-currency, serious gaming, computational neuroscience. | |
Earth Sciences | 02 | Earth Surface Processes, River Science, Remote Sensing and GIS | |
| 04 | South Asian Literature; Ancient, Medieval, and Modern India; History of Colonial Assam; Gujarat: Society, Politics, Literature; Partition Studies; Ageing/Gerontology; Social Demography; Public Health; Social Epidemiology; Language, Identity and Politics; Bengali Literature; Democracy and Civil Society; Translation Theory and Practice. | |
Electrical Engineering | 11 | Computer Vision, Image Processing, Computer Graphics, Adaptive signal processing, photonic sensors for biological applications, semiconductor devices, compact modeling, Asynchronous circuit design, Neuromorphic architectures, Biomedical Engineering, Affective Computing, Power systems and renewable energy, smart distribution grid, automation and control of power distribution network | |
Mechanical Engineering | 10 | Computational solid mechanics, Fluid-structure interaction, Computational aero-mechanics, Control systems, Thermo-fluid engineering. | |
Materials Science & Engineering | 04 | Joining of materials, protein-lipid interactions, drug delivery peptides, antibiotics, tissue regeneration, nanotoxicology, nanoparticles synthesis and reactivity, nanocomposites | |
Mathematics | 04 | Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes; Tannakian Group Schemes, Moduli Spaces, Vector Bundles, Commutative Algebra. | |
Physics | 03 | Gravitation, Black Hole Thermodynamics, Networks and Complex Systems, Theoretical High Energy Nuclear PhysicsStrong interaction Physics: Bulk and transport properties of hot and dense nuclear matter |
“Category wise reservations on overall available seats will be followed as per Government of India norms.”
Important Dates
Application form submission start date | - | 05 September 2014 |
Application form submission deadline | - | 05 October 2014 |
Application Procedure
All applications must be submitted online. If you are applying for more than one discipline, please submit a separate application form for each discipline. A soft copy of the submitted application will be sent to given email ID. You need to furnish hardcopy of the application form with photograph and all the documentary evidence in original (testimonials, certificates, publications, work experience and research/professional experience) at the time of interview. Incomplete applications will be rejected.
Check More Details Here: http://www.iitgn.ac.in/phd.htm
Ph.D Admission 2014-15 in IIT NIT & Other State College/ University
Note: Please check official website of to get latest news and updates regarding PhD admission winter session 2014.
The post IIT Gandhinagar Ph.D Admission December 2014-15 Notification, Date & Eligibility Details appeared first on Weekly Exam 2014.
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- IIT Gandhinagar PhD Admission 2014 Notification – Application Form, Eligibility Criteria Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, Gujarat invites online application for Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) 2014. IIT Gujarat PhD Admission 2014...
Ph.D Admission 2014-15 in IIT NIT & Other State College/ University
Posted: 16 Sep 2014 04:06 AM PDT
Ph.D Admission 2014-15 in IIT NIT & Other State College/ University
Weekly Exam 2014 -
This article contains recent notification details regarding admission in Ph.D Courses December 2014-15 Semester II in Various IIT, NIT & other State Colleges & Universities. Indian Institute of Technology and National Institute of Technology will be uploading application form and notification for Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) November/ December 2014 (Winter Session). Ph.D Admission 2014-15 in IIT NIT & Other State College/ University Notice, Eligibility and important dates is given in this article. We will be updating this page as soon as IIT NIT & Other State Govt. Colleges/ University issue the Ph.D Admission 2014-15 forms. More details is given below…
Ph.D Admission 2014-15 Semester II in IIT NIT & Other State College/ University Eligibility and important dates.
Name of Organization: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), National Institute of Technology (N.I.T) and other state college universities.
Details Available: Ph.D Admission 2014 in Arts, Computer Science, Electrical, ECE, Mechanical and other subjects.
IIT Bombay Ph.D Admission Nov-Dec 2014 Forms, IIT Delhi Ph.D Admission 2014-2015, IIT Gowhati, IIT Kanpur, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Madras, IIT Roorkee, IIT Hyderabad, ISI Kolkata, JNU, IISc, IIIT Hyderabad, IIIT Bangalore, Cochin University of Science and Technology, NIT Allahabad, NIT Bhopal, NIT Hamirpur, NIT Surat, IIIT M Kerala, IIITM Gwalior, IIIT DM Jabalpur, IIIT Delhi.
Name of the Course: Master of Technology (M.Tech) or Master of Engineering (M.E)
Duration of Course: 2014 Winters
Type of Course: Full Time/ Part-Time
Ph.D Admission November/ December 2014 College List/ University:
- ISI Kolkata
- JNU (Jawahar Lal Nehru University)
- IISc
- IIIT Hyderabad
- IIIT Bangalore
- Cochin University of Science and Technology
- IIT Bombay
- IIT Delhi
- IIT Gowhati
- IIT Kanpur
- IIT Kharagpur
- IIT Madras
- IIT Roorkee
- IIT Patna
- IIT Jodhpur
- IIT Gandhinagar
- IIT Hyderabad
- Pondicherry University
- Tezpur University (A Central University)
- IIIT Allahabad
- Indian School of Mines (ISM) Dhanbad
- Aligarh Muslim University
- Banaras Hindu University (IT-BHU)
- University of Hyderabad
- Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya
- Jamia Millia Islamia
- NIT Allahabad
- University of Calcutta
- NIT Bhopal
- NIT Hamirpur
- NIT Surat
- IIIT M Kerala
- IIITM Gwalior
- IIIT DM Jabalpur
- IIIT Delhi
- Bengal Engineering and Science University (BESU)
- BITS Pilani
- Defense Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT)
- Institute of Chemical Technology, Jadavpur University
- Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology (NSIT)
- Post-graduate Engineering common Entrance Test (PGECET) Andhra Pradesh
- NIT Agartala
- NIT Jalandhar
- NIT Jamshedpur
- NIT Kurukshetra
- NIT Nagpur
- NIT Durgapur
- NIT Silchar
- NIT Srinagar,
- Common admission to Kerala Universities, College of Engineering Pune (COEP)
- Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology
- VJTI Mumbai, West Bengal University of Technology
- PGCET Karnataka
- NIT Raipur
- Delhi College of Engineering DCE
- HBTI Kanpur
- PEC Technological University
- RGTU Bhopal
- NIT Patna
- TANCET (Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test)
- Punjab Technical University (PTU)
- Rajasthan Technical University (RTU)
- Gautam Buddha Technical University (GBTU)
Eligibility Criteria: Please check individual college/ university brochure (notification). If you have any kind of question related to Ph.D admission nov/ dec 2014. Please comment below if you find new/ latest Ph.D admission 2014.
Note: Please check official website of to get latest news and updates regarding PhD admission winter session 2014.
The post Ph.D Admission 2014-15 in IIT NIT & Other State College/ University appeared first on Weekly Exam 2014.
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