West Bengal and Central Government Jobs and Recruitment News
by Unknown on Wednesday, 27 November 2013
West Bengal and Central Government Jobs and Recruitment News | |
- Maharashtra Gramin Bank, Nanded, requires 315 Officers and Office Assistant (Multipurpose). Last Dt. 12/12/2013
- Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd (DMRC) requires Officers and Staff under various discipline. Last Dt. 18/12/2013
- Uranium Corporation of India Limited (UCIL) requires Operational Trainee/ Boiler Attendant/ Tradesman. Last Dt. 23/12/2013
- West Bengal Co-Operative Service Commission (COOPWB) invites application for various posts. Last Dt. 27/12/2013
Posted: 27 Nov 2013 05:58 AM PST ![]() MAHARASHTRA GRAMIN BANK, NANDED, INVITES ONLINE APPLICATION FOR THE POSTS OF OFFICERS AND OFFICE ASST. (MULTIPURPOSE). LAST DATE—12/12/2013. Name and No. of vacancies : — 1. Officer Scale-III: 3 Nos. 2. Officer Scale-II (General Banking): 20 Nos. 3. Officer Scale-II (IT): 09 Nos. 4. Officer Scale-II (CA): 1 Nos. 5. Officer Scale-II (Law): 1 Nos. 6. Officer Scale-II (Treasury Manager): 1 Nos. 7. Officer Scale-II (Marketing Officer): 1 Nos. 8. Officer Scale-I: 110 Nos. 9. Office Assistant (Multipurpose): 169 Nos. Eligibility — Candidates must have appeared and qualified the Common Written Examination (CWE) conducted by IBPS in the month of September/ October, 2013. Candidates must have scored Standard Qualifying Marks in CWE. See the below URL for details. Candidates selected for the post of Officer Scale-I, II, III will be put on Probation for a period of 2 years which can be extended for a further period not exceeding 1 year. Candidates selected for the post of Office Assistant (Multipurpose) will be put on probation for a period of 1 year which can be extended for a further period not exceeding 6 months. Selection of the candidates will be on basis of their performance in IBPS's Common Written Examination. Such candidates will be shortlisted for Personal Interview. The total marks for Interview will be 30. The minimum qualifying marks for interview is 12. The Interview will be held at the Maharashtra Gramin Bank, Regional Office, Aurangabad and the complete address of the venue will be advised in the call letters. How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates may apply from the official website of Maharashtra Gramin Bank only — www.mahagramin.in (See the live URL given below) between 27/11/2013 and 12/12/2013. After successful submission of Online Application form, the system generated Registration Slip will appear on the computer screen. Candidates must print-out it and shall retain it safely for later use, if called for personal interview. There is no need to send the print-out or any documents to the bank. Important Dates — Starting date of Online Application form: 27/11/2013 Closing date of Online Application form: 12/12/2013. Above given information are in brief details. Before applying Online please go through the officially released Advt. Visit the following link for Advt. and Online Application — http://www.mahagramin.in/recruitment.aspx |
Posted: 27 Nov 2013 05:58 AM PST DELHI METRO RAIL CORPORATION LTD (DMRC) REQUIRES OFFICERS AND STAFF UNDER VARIOUS DISCIPLINE. LAST DATE—18/12/2013. 1. Dy. General Manager (Finance): 1 Nos. Qualification: CA with minimum 50% marks and Central Govt./ PSU Officers with minimum 4yrs of experience. Age: Maximum 50yrs. 2. Asst. Manager (Finance): 8 Nos. Qualification: CA with minimum 50% marks and with minimum one year work experience. Age: Maximum 28 years. 3. Assistant Manager (Environment): 1 Nos. Qualification: BE/B.Tech in Civil Engineering/Environment Engg with 1st Division & ME/M.Tech in Environment Engg. OR B.Sc in Life Sciences with 1st Division in M.Sc. in Environment Science Age: Maximum 28yrs. 4. Sr. Section Officer (Finance): 2 Nos. Qualification: CA (Inter) with minimum 50% marks. Age: Maximum 28yrs. 5. Jr. Engineer (Civil): 20 Nos. Qualification: 3 years Diploma in Civil Engineering with 65% marks from Govt. recognized Polytechnics and with knowledge of local Malayalam language. Age: maximum 28yrs. 6. Legal Assistant (Legal): 3 Nos. Qualification: LLB with minimum 55% marks Age: maximum 28yrs. 7. Accounts Assistant (Finance) for PH candidates only: 6 Nos. Qualification: B.Com with 60% marks Age: maximum 28yrs. 8. Accounts Assistant (Finance)(for all): 15 Nos. Qualification: B.Com with 60% marks Age: maximum 28yrs. Upper age relaxation: Age will be counted as on 01/07/2013. Upper age relaxation for SC/ST - 5yrs; OBC- 3yrs; PWD- 10yrs; Ex-Serviceman and Others - As per norms. Selection of the candidates will be through Written Test and or Interview followed by Paragraph writing. There will be Group Discussion (as applicable for the post) and Medical examination for fitness test. Date and venue of Written Test/ Interview will be intimated in due course. Information will be available in the official website of Delhi Metro Rail. How to Apply: Apply on prescribed application format (see the below PDF file) along with a crossed Demand Draft of SBI Bank for Rs.325/- only (Rs.75/- for SC/ST/PH candidates) only drawn in favour of DELHI METRO RAIL CORPORATION LIMITED, payable at New Delhi (Code No., 5715). Candidates must also enclose all the relevant testimonials in support of eligibility for the post. Refer the Advt. for details. Last Date and Address: — The duly filled Application form along with enclosures must reach the following address on or before 18/12/2013 by Speed Post — "Executive Director (HR), Metro Bhawan, Fire Brigade Lane, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi-110001". The application containing envelope must be superscribed with the Name of the post & post code applied for along with category – UR/OBC/SC/ST/PH (as the case may be) Above given information are in brief. Please go through the officially released advertisement before applying for the vacancies. For details, see the following PDF file — http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/dmrc-advt-hr-2013.pdf |
Posted: 27 Nov 2013 05:58 AM PST Uranium Corporation of India Limited (UCIL) is recruiting eligible candidates for the posts of Operational Trainee (Turner/ Elect./ Fitter), Trainee, Boiler cum Attendant and Tradesman. Total vacancies—20 Nos. Interested candidates may apply for the vacancies on plain paper mentioning their details. Advt. No. 09/2013. Qualification norms and brief details are given below — URANIUM CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED REQUIRES OPERATIONAL TRAINEE/ BOILER ATTENDANT/ TRADESMAN, ETC. LAST DATE — 23/12/2013 1. Operational Trainee Discipline — — Turner: 2 Nos. — Electrician: 2 Nos. — Fitter: 4 Nos. Qualification: Matriculation pass plus NTC in the relevant trade AND 01 year Trade Apprenticeship training in any industry and passed in NAC examination conducted by National Council for Vocational Training in the relevant trade. Candidates must have obtained minimum 60% marks (55% for SC/ST) in the relevant Trade certificate 2. Trainee (ST/ MT Operator): 5 Nos. Qualification: Matriculation pass and NTC in the relevant trade OR Higher Secondary pass having minimum 01 year experience in operation of ST/MT. Candidates must have obtained minimum 60% marks (55% for SC/ST) in the relevant Trade certificate 3. Boiler cum Attendant: 1 Nos. Qualification: Matriculation pass and Boiler Attendant Certificate of Competency with minimum 06(Six) years practical experience for the operation and maintenance of Boiler independently. 4. Tradesman-A (Fitter): 6 Nos. Qualification: Some school education with minimum 05 years working experience in Shaft Sinking and equipping including Bunton and guide rail installation, Head frame erection, winder installation, loading and dumping station installation, cage and skip commissioning in a vertical shaft of an Underground Mines, maintenance of double drum winder installation. Age (Maximum): 30 yrs for Operational Trainee and Trainee (ST/MT); 32 years for Boiler-cum-Attendant and 35 years for Tradesman-A (Fitter). Age will be counted as on 30/11/2013. Upper age relaxation for SC/ST - 5yrs; OBC- 3yrs; PH- 10yrs, Ex-Serviceman and Others - As per norms. Candidates' Selection: Selection of the candidates will be through Written Test/Trade Test & Interview at the discretion of the Company. How to Apply: Apply on plain paper neatly typed giving full details such as age, qualification, experience, telephone number, e-mail id, present and permanent address of the applicant such as Village, Post Office, Police Station, District and Pin Code of the post office, caste, and name of 02(Two) referees(non-relative) alongwith their contact details and address. Candidates must enclose attested copies of testimonials in support of Qualification, caste, age and etc. Application Fee: Fee of Rs.50/- is to be paid in form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of 'Uranium Corporation of India Limited' payable at State Bank of India, Jaduguda. NO FEE FOR SC/ST/ PH AND FEMALE CANDIDATES Last Date and Address:— The Application form must be addressed to "Dy.General Manager(Personnel)-IRs., Uranium Corporation of India Limited, PO : Jaduguda Mines, Dist : East Singhbhum, Jharkhand – 832 102", so as to reach on or before 23/12/2013 by Speed Post/ courier. For complete details with eligibility criteria, see the following PDF file — http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/UCIL-advt-09-2013.pdf |
Posted: 27 Nov 2013 12:46 AM PST West Bengal Co-Operative Service Commission (WEBCSC/ COOPWB) is recruiting 19 candidates for the posts of – Manager, Assistant/ Supervisor, Grade-III, Chief Executive Officer and Manager for various Co-operative Institutions. Interested candidates may apply online from the official website of WBCSC. Application form can be also submitted offline (in hard copy). Advertisement No. 04/2013. Educational qualification norms and brief details are given below — WEST BENGAL CO-OPERATIVE SERVICE COMMISSION INVITES APPLICATION FOR VARIOUS POSTS. ADVT. NO. 04/2013. LAST DATE — 27/12/2013 1. MANAGER (SCALE-I OFFICER) Number of Vacancies: 2 Nos. (Gen) Co-operative Institutions — West Bengal State Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank Ltd., Kolkata Educational Qualification: Graduate (Honours) and Certificate in Computerized Financial Accounting of minimum 6 months duration course. Candidates must have fluency in Nepali language (in speaking/ reading/ writing) Starting salary: Rs.29595/- per month 2. ASSISTANT/ SUPERVISOR Number of Vacancies: 4 Nos. (Gen) Co-operative Institutions — West Bengal State Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank Ltd., Kolkata Educational Qualification: Graduate pass and Basic certificate in Computer Application (MS Office/ Internet, etc) of minimum 6 months duration course. Candidates must have fluency in Nepali language (in speaking/ reading/ writing) Starting salary: Rs.15037/- per month 3. GRADE-III Number of Vacancies: 11 Nos. (Gen—5; SC—4; ST—1; OBC—1) Co-operative Institutions — Vidyasagar Central Co-operative Bank Ltd, Paschim Medinipur Educational Qualification: Graduate with at least 60% marks in Madhyamik/Equivalent examination and 50% marks in Higher Secondary/ Equivalent examination PLUS Basic Computer Certificate course of minimum 6 months duration (course includes MS Office, Internet, Etc) Starting Salary: Rs.17473/- per month 4. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Number of Vacancies: 1 Nos. (Gen) Co-operative Institutions — Khardah Co-operative Bank Ltd., Kolkata Educational Qualification: Graduate plus Chartered Accountant / Chartered Financial Accountant / Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers / Cost Accountant PLUS 03 years experience as Senior Executive in Banking. Starting Salary: Rs.30000/- per month 5. MANAGER Number of Vacancies: 1 Nos. (Gen) Co-Operative Institution — Kushmandi Agricultural Co-operative Marketing Society Ltd., Dakshin Dinajpur Educational Qualification: Graduate PLUS Certificate in Basic Computer of minimum 6 months duration course covering MS Office, Internet, ect. Starting Salary: Rs.18953/- per month N.B: For the posts of Grade-III, Chief Executive Officer and Manager, the candidates must have studied Bengali as a subject either as first language or second language atleast in their Madhyamik or HS/equivalent level examination. Age Limit (for all posts): Candidates must be maximum 35 years for posts of Assistant/ Supervisor and Grade-III whereas candidates must be maximum 40 years for rest of posts. Age will be counted as on 01/01/2013. Upper age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC candidates is 05 years. Selection of the candidates will be through Objective type Written Test and Interview. The Objective Type Written Test for the short-listed candidates will be held tentatively in the month of February, 2014. Exact date and venue will be notified in due course. Admit will be available to download from the website only. No admit card will be send by post. All examinations / interviews will be held in Kolkata Metropolitan Area only. How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidate may either apply Online of Offline. Online Application form: To submit online Application form, visit the official website of — www.webcsc.org (See the live URL given below) During online Application form, candidates will require to upload scanned copies of self-attested documents in support of Qualification, Caste, Age, computer knowledge, experience, as applicable and etc. The fee payment challan must be scanned and uploaded in proof of fee payment (not applicable in case of SC/ST candidates). There is no need to send any form or documents by post if candidates submit their Application form through online mode. For Offline Application form: Candidates must download the prescribed application format from the official website (See the PDF file given below). The Application form must be enclosed with a Self-attested photocopies of documents as proof of age, caste, academic / professional / computer qualifications and experience, as applicable and etc. Application Fee: Candidates willing to apply must pay Application Fee of Rs.160/- (for General and OBC candidates) by means of Bank Challan through any branch of the West Bengal State Cooperative Bank Ltd. (to the credit of CD A/c No.29312051276 with Kolkata Main Branch) OR through National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) Challan, in favour of WEST BENGAL CO-OPERATIVE SERVICE COMMISSION from any NEFT-enabled Branch of the said State Co-operative Bank, Central Co-operative Banks or any other Bank of the country (to the credit of CD A/c No.29312051276 at Kolkata Main Branch of The West Bengal State Co-operative Bank Ltd., having IFS Code WBSC0000001). See the Advt. given below in PDF for details. NO APPLICATION FEE OF SC/ST CANDIDATES. Address to send the Application form (in case of Offline mode): The Application form duly filled enclosed with testimonials is to be send by Post / Speed Post / Registered Post / Courier Service at the following address — West Bengal Co-Operative Service Commission, PWD Buildings, Block–'A' [Ground Floor], Khadya Bhawan Complex, 11A, Mirza Ghalib Street, Kolkata-700 087, so as to reach on or before 27/12/2013 (5PM) The Application form can be also dropped in the Drop-Box kept in the office premises for such purpose. Important Dates : — Starting Date of submission of Online Application form: 30/11/2013 Last Date of Online Application form: 20/12/2013 Last Date of submission of Application alongwith enclosures (for OFFLINE mode): 27/12/2013. For detailed Advt., see the following PDF file — http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/Advt-WBCOOP-04-2013.pdf For Application format, see — http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/coopwb-04-2013-form.pdf For Fee payment Challan — http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/ChallanCopy.pdf To Apply Online now, visit the following URL — (online application link will be available here from 30/11/2013) |
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