
by Unknown on Wednesday, 29 May 2013


Monetization of Google Maps – Engineers Successfully Navigate a Way

Posted: 29 May 2013 01:31 AM PDT

Google Engineers are working with their Product Managers to deliver the WoW experience for Users and Advertisers on SmartPhone or PC. Roughly 50% of US mobile users are using Google Maps monthly, now you probably get why Google and Apple were at war for the Maps App on iPhones / iOS a Native turf of [...]

900Mn Android Users – Google’s Enhanced Advertising Platforms for PC & Mobile

Posted: 28 May 2013 11:50 PM PDT

Google’s Android smart phone ecosystem growth has exceeded even our highest expectations (70% global smart phone share today vs. 20% in 2010). Android Smartphone shipments grew from 240mn in 2011 to 465mn in 2012, and 900mn by May 2013 [As announced in Google I/O]. The Android tablet ecosystem has been catching up with close to [...]

3 Years after 3G Auction in India, 3G Data’s Uptake Slow; 3G De-Congesting Voice Networks

Posted: 28 May 2013 08:26 AM PDT

The Headline 3G Data Revenue Numbers are disappointing on the face of it with < 5% Revenue Contribution and thus the popular perception that 3G in India so far has been a failure, three years after the 3G auctions. In our analysis, most of the top cities are already under 3G coverage for leading telcos, [...]

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