West Bengal and Central Government Jobs and Recruitment News | |
- Bharat Coking Coal Limited (BCCL) requires 472 Overman, Mining Sirdar and Surveyor (Mining). Last Dt. 10/10/2013
- ONGC Recruitment of 11 Jr. Assistant (Steno-English/ P&A/ Accounts) for ONGC Videsh Ltd at Delhi. Last Dt. 06/09/2013
- Central Railway, Mumabi, is recruiting 3840 Trackman, Safaiwala, Helper, Peon, Salesman, Etc. Last Dt. 23/09/2013 (8/10/2013)
- Central Railway, Solapur division, invites application for 74 Trade Apprentices training in various Trades. Last Dt. 20/09/2013
- UPSC - Geologist Examination, 2013 for 147 Posts. Examination Notice No.12/2013-GEOL. Last Dt. 23/09/2013
Posted: 26 Aug 2013 06:32 AM PDT ![]() BHARAT COKING COAL LIMITED (BCCL) REQUIRES 472 JR. OVERMAN, MINING SIRDAR AND SURVEYOR. LAST DATE – 10/10/2013 1. Junior Overman: 142 Nos. (Gen—32; SC—19; ST—84) Qualification: Three years duration course in Mining Engineering. Candidates must have valid Overman's Certificate of Competency issued by DGMS as well as Valid Gas Testing and First Aid Certificate. Pay: Rs.19035.02 per month plus other allowances as per norms. 2. Mining Sirdar: 317 Nos. (Gen—92; SC—50; ST—154) Qualification: Valid Mining Sirdar's Certificate issued by DGMS and must possess valid Gas Testing and First Aid Certificate. Pay: Rs.19035.02 per month plus other allowances as per norms. 3. Surveyor (Mining): 13 Nos. (Gen—6; SC—2; ST—5; OBC—00) Qualification: Matriculation or equivalent and must possess valid Surveyor's Certificate of Competency issued by DGMS. Pay: Rs.20552.37 per month plus other allowances as per norms. Age Limit: Minimum 18 years and maximum 30 years as on 10/10/2013. Upper age relaxation for SC/ST is 5 years and for OBC is 3 years. Candidates' Selection: Selection process will be through Written Examination followed by Interview. Exact date and venue of examination will be intimated in due course. Information will be also published in the website of BCCL, therefore candidates must regularly visit the site for new notification. Candidates must have sound health. The selected candidates will have to undergo Medical Examination. Application Fee: Candidates must enclose a Demand Draft of Rs.100/- along with their application form drawn in favour of – Bharat Coking Coal Limited and payable at – Dhanbad. No Application Fee for SC and ST candidates. How to Apply: Apply in prescribed application format which can be downloaded from the website of BCCL — www.bccl.gov.in (Live URL to download the Application form is given below) The Application form must be enclosed with attested copies of following documents (Attestation must be done by Gazetted Officer)
Candidates should sent their Application form only through Registered/Speed Post in a sealed envelope addressed to "The General Manager (Recruitment), Bharat Coking Coal Limited, Koyla Bhawan, Koyla Nagar, Post- BCCL Township, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, PIN- 826005" so as to reach within last date of application, i.e. 10/10/2013. Superscribe the Application form containing envelope with – "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF _______". Last Date of Application: The Application form must reach on or before 10th October, 2013 (upto 5 PM). For complete details and Application form, please visit the following url — http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/BCCL-Rectt-08-2013.pdf |
Posted: 26 Aug 2013 06:32 AM PDT ![]() ONGC INVITES ONLINE APPLICATION FOR JUNIOR ASSISTANT (STENO/ P&A/ ACCOUNTS) FOR POSTING AT ONGC VIDESH LTD AT DELHI. LAST DATE – 06/09/2013 1. Jr. Assistant (Steno-English): 4 Nos. (Gen—3; OBC—1) Qualification: Graduate with Typing speed 30 w.p.m and shorthand at 80 words per minute. Candidates must have Certificate/ Diploma of Computer Application course of minimum 6 months duration. 2. Jr. Assistant (P&A): 3 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: Graduate with Typing speed 30 wpm and shorthand at 80 wpm. Candidates must have Certificate/ Diploma of Computer Application course of minimum 6 months duration. 3. Jr. Assistant (Accounts): 4 Nos. (Gen—3; OBC—1) Qualification: B.Com with proficiency in typing 30 wpm. Candidates must have Certificate/ Diploma of Computer Application course of minimum 6 months duration. Essential Requirement: Candidates must have valid registration in any one of the Employment Exchanges located within Delhi. Pay Scale: Rs.11000—Rs.24000 with an annual increment of 3% on basic pay plus other allowances as per norms. Age Limit: minimum 18yrs and maximum 40yrs as on 06.09.2013. Upper age relaxation for SC/ST - 5yrs; OBC- 3yrs; PWD- 10yrs; Ex-Serviceman and Others - As per norms. Selection of the candidates will be through Written Test (Objective type) consisting of Discipline concerned, MS Office, General awareness and Aptitude. The candidates will have to quality at each stage i.e. (1) written test (2) Stenography test / typing test, wherever applicable and (3) in interview separately and in aggregate, in any sequence as decided by ONGC. Candidates qualified in these tests will be called for Personal Interview. Selected candidates will be posted at ONGC Videsh Limited at Delhi. The written Test will be conducted at Delhi. How to Apply: Apply Online only from the official website of ONGC — www.ongcindia.com (Live URL to Application form is given below). Before applying online, candidates must print-out the fee payment challan and must deposit the below prescribed fee through any branches of SBI in Account No.33219726338, Branch Code: 09996. (See the Advt. for details). Application Fee: Rs.300/- (Rs.100 for PWD candidates) After fee submission and successful submission of Online Application form, candidates must print-out the system generated Registration Slip, which will appear on the computer screen. The print-out Registration Slip along with attested copies of testimonials in support of Qualification norms, Age limit, Caste, Employment Exchange card, ONCG's copy of SBI fee payment challan, and Etc. is to be sent by post to the ONGC (Address given below). Superscribe the Application form containing envelope with – "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF _____" Address to send the print-out of system generated application along with enclosures — The Advertiser (ONGC), Post Box: 1102, Jaya Nagar III Block, Bangalore 560 011. CANDIDATES MUST SEND THE APPLICATION BY ORDINARY POST ONLY. Important Dates: Starting date of Online Application form: 23/08/2013 Closing date of Online Application form: 06/09/2013 Last date of receipt of Registration Slip: 13/09/2013 Tentative date of Written Test: 29/09/2013. Above given information are in brief details. Before applying Online please go through the officially released Advt. Visit the following link for Advt. and Online Application — http://ongcrecruitment.co.in/ |
Posted: 26 Aug 2013 06:32 AM PDT ![]() CENTRAL RAILWAY, MUMBAI, REQUIRES 3840 TRACKMAN, SAFAIWALA, WATCHMEN, PEON, HELPER, PORTAR, SALESMEN AND ETC. LAST DATE – 23/09/2013 (08/10/2013) Name of the posts and number of vacancies are as follows. Name of division is given in bracket –
Educational Qualification: Class 10 passed/equivalent OR ITI candidates may apply for the vacancies. Age Limit: between 18 to 33 years as on 01/01/2014. Upper age relaxation for SC/ST - 5yrs; OBC- 3yrs; PWD- 10yrs; Ex-Serviceman and Others - As per norms. Application Fee: Rs.100/- in form of Crossed Demand Draft or Crossed Indian Postal Order drawn in favour of – Assistant Personnel Officer (Recruitment), Railway Recruitment Cell, Central Railway, Mumbai. Candidates should write their name and address at the back of the IPO/ DD. Application Fee is not required in case of SC/ST/PWD/ Ex-Servicemen, All Women Candidates, Minority Communities and Economically Backward Classes. Mode of candidates' selection and date/ venue of examination will be intimated in due course to the eligible candidates as well as will be informed through official website of Central Railway, RRC. How to Apply: Eligible candidates may apply on prescribed application format (See the below link to download the Application form) The Application form can be prepared on plain paper (A4 size) using one side only, neatly typed as per the issued format. The Application form along with enclosures in support of Educational Qualification, Age proof, Caste and Etc., must reach the following address — Assistant Personnel Officer (Recruitment), Railway Recruitment Cell, Central Railway, Chief Project Manager (Conv.)'s Office Building, 1st Floor, P.D' Mello Road, Wadi Bunder, Mumbai – 400010 The envelope containing Application form must be superscribed as – "APPLICATION FOR THE RECRUITMENT TO THE POSTS IN PAY BAND – 1 RS.5200 – 20200 + GP RS.1800/- AGAINST EMPLOYMENT NOTIFICATION NO. 03/2013" Candidates should send their application only by ORDINARY POST so as to reach before closing date. The Application form can be also dropped in the Drop-Box kept at the office premises of above said address. Last Date of Application: 23rd September, 2013 till 6 PM (08/10/2013 for candidates from Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of Jammu & Kashmir State, Lahaul-Spiti District and Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep) For complete details and Application form, see the following file - http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/CR-OpenRecruitment.pdf |
Posted: 26 Aug 2013 06:32 AM PDT ![]() CENTRAL RAILWAY – SOLAPUR DIVISION INVITES FOR 74 APPRENTICES IN VARIOUS TRADES FOR MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT SOLAPUR DIVISION. LAST DATE – 20/09/2013 Name and No. of vacancies in the designated Trades on which Apprentices Training will be provided — Fitter: 26 Nos. Carpenter: 5 Nos. Machinist: 6 Nos. Welder (G&E): 8 Nos. Painter (General): 2 Nos. Mechanical (Diesel): 1 Nos. Educational Qualification: Matriculation/ Class 10 pass with 50% marks AND ITI trade certificate course in the relevant trade. Age Limit: between 15yrs to 24yrs as on 19/08/2013. The upper age limit is relax able by 05 years in case of SC/ST candidates and 03 years in case of OBC candidates Selection of the candidates will be on basis of their merit and percentage obtained in Matriculation/ Class 10 plus ITI . There will be no Written Test and no Interview. Selected candidates will be go for the Apprentices Training of 3 years duration. Stipend will be paid during training period in following manners – Rs.1490/- during first year of the training and Rs.1700/- during second year and Rs.1970 during third year of the training. How to Apply: Candidates must apply on prescribed application format only. The Application form must be enclosed with attested copies of testimonials in support of Qualification, Age, Caste and Etc. Candidates must also enclose Two passport size photographs and Two Self-Address envelopes (9x4 cms) with affixed postal stamp of Rs.30/- on one and another for Rs.10/-. The Application form is to be sent by ORDINARY POSTS only at the following address — To Divisional Railway Manager (Personnel), Near Solapur Railway Station, Solapur—413001 Candidates can also submit the Application form in person by dropping it at the Drop-Box kept in the office premises. Superscribe the envelope with – "APPLICATION FOR ________ TRADE" Last Date of Application: The Application form along with enclosures must reach on or before 20th September, 2013. For complete details and Application form, please visit the following url — http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/CR-Solapur-TradeApprentices.pdf |
Posted: 26 Aug 2013 06:32 AM PDT ![]() UPSC – GEOLOGIST EXAMINATION – 2013 FOR 147 POSTS COMMENCING FROM THE 9TH NOV, 2013. APPLY ONLINE — 23/09/2013 GEOLOGIST EXAMINATION – 2013 The categories of posts to which recruitment is to be made on basis of this examination are – Category I (Posts in Geological Survey of India under Ministry of Mines) — Geologist, Group- A : 50 Nos. — Assistant Geologist Grade-I, Group B: 25 Nos. Educational Qualification: Master's degree in Geological Science or Geology or Applied Geology or Geo-Exploration or Mineral Exploration or Engineering Geology or Marine Geology or Earth Science and Resource Management or Oceanography and Coastal Areas Studies or Petroleum Geosciences or Petroleum Exploration or Geochemistry or Geological Technology or Geophysical Technology. Category II (Posts in the Central Ground Water Board under Ministry of Water Resources) — Jr. Hydrogeologists (Scientist B), Group A : 33 Nos. — Assistant Hydrogeologists, Group B : 39 Nos. Educational Qualification: Master's degree in Geology or Applied Geology or Marine Geology OR Master's degree in Hydrogeology N.B: Reservation of vacancies for reserved candidates is as per norms. Age Limit: Minimum 21 years and maximum 32 years (35 yrs as applicable to the posts. See the below link). Upper age relaxation for SC/ST—5yrs; OBC—3yrs; PH—10yrs and any other categories – as per Govt. norms. Examination Fee: Candidates willing to apply must pay Examination fee of Rs.200/- in cash through any branches of State Bank of India or can be paid through NET Banking, Debit / Credit card during submission of online Application form. SC/ST/PH and Female candidates are exempted from payment of Examination Fee. UPSC will hold the Competitive Examination in the month of November, 2013. The eligible candidates will be issued e-Admission Certificate three weeks before the commencement of the examination. The e-Admission certificate will be made in the official website of UPSC. Examination Centre will be — Ahmedabad, Allahabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, Chandigarh, Chennai, Cuttack, Delhi, Dispur, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Jammu, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Patna, Shillong, Shimla and Thiruvananthapuram. How to Apply: Apply Online from the official website of UPSC — www.upsconline.nic.in (Live url is given below) After successful submission of online Application form, candidates must print-out the system generated Registration Slip for future correspondence. Last Date of Application: The Online Application form can be filled upto 23rd September, 2013 till midnight. Above given information are in brief details. Before applying Online please go through the officially released Advt. Visit the following link for Advt. and Online Application — http://upsconline.nic.in/mainmenu2.php |
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