West Bengal and Central Government Jobs and Recruitment News | |
- Security Printing Press, Hyderabad, requires 142 Supervisor and Workmen/ Tradesmen. Last Dt. 16/09/2013
- ATMA, Burdwan district requires Accountant/ Clerk, Block Technology Manager and Subject Matter Specialist. Last Dt. 30/09/2013
- West Bengal Co-Operative Service Commission (COOPWB) - Various Posts in different Co-Operative Institutions. Last Dt.27/09/2013
Posted: 27 Aug 2013 08:43 AM PDT ![]() SECURITY PRINTING PRESS, HYDERABAD REQUIRES 142 SUPERVISORS AND WORKMEN/ TRADESMEN IN VARIOUS TRADES. APPLY ONLINE WITHIN 16/09/2013 N.B: This notification bearing Advertisement No. SPP/DM(HR)/Recruitment/2013-1 is issued earlier in the month on June, 2013 (01/06/2013) for which last was to apply was 20 June 2013. The Security Printing Press has extended the last date of application to 16 Sept, 2013 and has deleted the "Experience" requirement norms for some posts. Therefore the candidates who have applied earlier (in the month of June,2013) against the said advertisement needs not to apply again. Only candidates who have not applied can submit their application online. S-1 LEVEL POSTS: Total posts – 17 Nos. (Gen—10; SC—2; ST—1; OBC—4) Pay Scale: Rs.12300—25400. Discipline — 1. Printing (Cadre — Supervisor): 7 Nos. Qualification: First class Diploma/Degree in relevant field 2. Pre – Press (Cadre — Supervisor): 2 Nos. Qualification: First class Diploma/Degree in Printing Technology 3. Maintenance (Electrical) (Cadre — Supervisor): 1 Nos. Qualification: First class Diploma/Degree in relevant field 4. Maintenance (Mechanical) (Cadre — Supervisor): 1 Nos. Qualification: First class Diploma/Degree in relevant field. 5. Control (Cadre — Supervisor): 6 Nos. Qualification: First class degree in any discipline. W-E LEVEL POSTS: Total posts – 25 Nos. (Gen—12; SC—4; ST—2; OBC—7) Pay Scale: Rs.5200—20200 with Grade Pay: Rs.2000/- Discipline — 6. Workmen (Office Assistant/ Secretarial Asst.): 24 Nos. Qualification: Graduation with minimum 60% aggregate marks AND should be able to type at least 40 words per minute in English Desirable: Should have thorough knowledge in MS Office, Accounting Packages. 7. Workmen (Hindi Typist): 1 Nos. Qualification: Graduation with minimum 60% aggregate marks AND should be able to type at least 30 words per minute in Hindi. W-1 LEVEL POSTS: Total posts – 100 Nos. (Gen—51; SC—15; ST—7; OBC—27) Pay Scale: Rs.5200—20200 with Grade Pay: Rs.1800/- Discipline/ Trades: 8. Tradesmen (Printing): 32 Nos. Qualification: Matriculation pass or equivalent with ITI (2yrs course)/ Diploma in the relevant fields with 60% marks in aggregate. 9. Tradesmen (Pre press): 4 Nos. Qualification: Matriculation pass or equivalent with ITI (2yrs course)/ Diploma in the relevant fields with 60% marks in aggregate. 10. Tradesmen (Mechanical – Millwright Mechanic): 4 Nos. Qualification: Matriculation pass or equivalent with ITI (2yrs course)/ Diploma in the relevant fields with 60% marks in aggregate. 11. Tradesmen (Mechanical – Machinist): 2 Nos. Qualification: Matriculation pass or equivalent with ITI (2yrs course)/ Diploma in the relevant fields with 60% marks in aggregate. 12. Tradesmen (Civil —Plumber): 1 Nos. Qualification: Matriculation pass or equivalent with ITI ( 1 year course)/ Diploma in the relevant fields with 60% marks in aggregate 13. Tradesmen (Electrical): 6 Nos. Qualification: Matriculation pass or equivalent with ITI (1 year course)/ Diploma in the relevant fields with 60% marks in aggregate 14. Tradesmen (Control): 44 Nos. Qualification: Matriculation pass or equivalent with ITI (2yrs course)/ Diploma in the relevant fields with 60% marks in aggregate. 15. Tradesmen (MT Garage): 6 Nos. Qualification: Matriculation pass or equivalent with ITI (2yrs course)/ Diploma in the relevant fields with 60% marks in aggregate. N.B: The required percentage of marks in aggregate (as mentioned above) is 55% in case of SC/ST candidates. Age Limit: (i) For Supervisor (S-1): 18 to 30 years (ii) For W-3 (Workmen): 18 to 28 years (iii) For W-1 (Workmen) : 18 to 25 years. Age will be counted as on last date of the application. Upper age relaxation for SC/ST - 5yrs; OBC- 3yrs; PWD- 10yrs; Ex-Serviceman and Others - As per norms. Candidates' Selection: Selection of the candidates will be through Written Test and Interview. Skill Test after Written Test will be there for the posts of Office Assistant and Hindi Typist (W-3 Level posts). The venue and schedule of written test will be intimated to individual applicant through Admit Card; which will also be placed on the official website — http://jobapply.in/spphyderabad The written test will consist of objective type questions on English, Hindi, Maths, General Knowledge and Technical. The written test will be conducted at Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh only. On the basis of performance in the written test candidates will be shortlisted for the skill test/personal interview. How to Apply: Candidates may apply Online or can apply Offline (Hard copy) For Offline application — Candidates may download the Application form from the official website of the company (Live URL is given below). The Application form along with Self-Attested copies of testimonials in support of Educational qualification, Technical qualification, Caste certificate, Age proof and Etc is to be sent by Ordinary Post at the below given address. For Online application — Candidates may submit the Online Application form from the official website of the company (Live URL is given below) After successful submission of the form, the system generated Registration Slip will appear on the screen. Candidates must print-out it and must send it at the below address along with Self-Attested copies of testimonials in support of Educational qualification, Technical qualification, Age proof and Etc. Application Fee: Rs.100/- in form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of – "General Manager, SPP, Hyderabad", payable at "Hyderabad". Candidates must write their name and post applied for on the reverse side of the demand draft and shall enclose it with the Application form. NO APPLICATION FEE FOR SC/ST AND PH CANDIDATES. Address to send the Application form/ Print-out Registration Slip: The completed application, along with prescribed application fee and self-attested copies of testimonials, is to be sent in an envelope superscripted "Application for the post of ________" to the following address — "Post Box No. 3076, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003" by ordinary post only. Last Date of Application: Application complete in all respects should reach the above post box on or before 16th September, 2013. Above given information are in brief details. Before applying Online please go through the officially released Advt. Visit the following link for Advt. and Online Application — http://www.jobapply.in/spphyderabad/ Note: Read the Corrigendum notification along with released old advertisement available on the above link. |
Posted: 27 Aug 2013 08:27 AM PDT Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA), Burdwan, is inviting application form from the eligible candidates for the posts of – Accountant cum Clerk, Block Technology Manager, Subject Matter Specialist. The engagement to the posts are on purely contractual basis under ATMA, Burdwan. Memo No. 76/ATMA. Qualification norms and eligibility criteria is given below — ATMA, BURDWAN REQUIRES ACCOUNTANT CUM CLERK, BTM AND SMS ON CONTRACTUAL BASIS. LAST DATE OF APPLICATION — 30/09/2013. 1. Accountant cum Clerk Number of Vacancies: 1 Nos. (District Level Post) Qualification: Graduate preferable B.Com. and 3yrs experience in the field Consolidate Pay: Rs.16,000/- pm 2. Block Technology Manager (BTM) Number of Vacancies: 1 Nos. in per Block of Burdwan district. (Block level posts) Qualification: Graduate or Post Graduate in Agriculture/ Allied Sector OR 4 years in Microbiolgy, with Computer Skill and 2yrs field experience in Agril. Related activities. Consolidate Pay: Rs.20,000/- pm 3. Subject Matter Specialist (SMS) Number of Vacancies: 2 Nos. in per Block of Burdwan district. (Block level posts) Qualification: Graduate/ Post Graduate in Agri/ Horti/ Economic/ Marketing/ Veterinary Science/ AHD/ Fishery OR 3 years graduate in Bio-Science with Botany and Zoology. Consolidate Pay: Rs.8,500/- pm N.B: Candidates applying for any one of the post must have proficiency in Bengali language. Note: The applicants who applied earlier in reference to Notice No. 48/ATMA dated 9th April, 2013 need not to apply for B.T.M and S.M.S posts. Age Limits: Maximum 45yrs. Selection of the candidates will be directly through Interview. The engagement will be on purely contractual basis. Date time and venue of interview: Names of the eligible candidates for interview, date, time and venue of interview will be published in the official website of Burdwan district i.e. http://bardhaman.nic.in in due course. How to Apply: Candidates should apply in the enclosed prescribed application form along with self attested copies of certificates addressed to — The Project Director, ATMA, Burdwan, C/o. office of the Deputy Director of Agriculture (Administration), Burdwan, Bridge House, Birhata, Burdwan, Pin-713 101 by ordinary post Last Date of Application: Application must reach within 30th Sept, 2013. Original documents and proof of age & Residence & voter ID card to be produced at the date of interview. For more details and Application form, please visit the following url/ link — http://docs.karmasandhan.com/data/downloads/ATMA-Burdwan-Memo76-ATMA.pdf |
Posted: 26 Aug 2013 11:20 PM PDT West Bengal Co-Operative Service Commission (COOPWB) is inviting application for recruitment in various posts listed below for different Co-Operative Institutions in West Bengal. Interested and eligible candidates may apply on prescribed format by 27/09/2013. Advertisement No. 02/2013 and Advertisement No. 03/2013. Qualification norms and brief details are given below — WEST BENGAL CO-OPERATIVE SERVICE COMMISSION (COOPWB) INVITES APPLICATION FOR 64 VACANCIES IN DIFFERENT INSTITUTION. LAST DATE – 27/09/2013 ADVERTISEMENT NO. 02/2013. Vacancies listed under this notification are the followings — 1. Burdwan Central Co-operative Bank Ltd (i) Grade IIA: 6 Nos. (Gen—3; SC—1; ST—1; OBC—1) Qualification: Graduate with 50% marks or Hons. Plus Certificate in SQL/ ORACLE of minimum 6 months duration course. Salary: Rs.27168/- (ii) Grade III: 10 Nos. (Gen—5; SC—2; ST—1; OBC—2) Qualification: Madhyamik with 60% marks (50% for SC/ST) plus Basic Computer knowledge course of minimum 6 months duration. Salary: 14333/- 2. Jalpaiguri Central Co-operative Bank Ltd (i) System Manager (Grade-IIA): 1 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: B. Tech in Computer Science & Engineering/ IT Salary: 33794/- (ii) Accountant (Grade IIB): 2 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: B.Com (Hons in Accountancy) with 55% marks plus Basic Computer knowledge course of minimum 6 months duration. Salary: Rs.27891/- (iii) Office Assistant (Grade III): 5 Nos. (Gen—2; SC—1; ST—1; OBC-A – 1) Qualification: Graduate plus Basic Computer knowledge course of minimum 6 months duration. Salary: Rs.22669/- 3. Malda District Central Co-operative Bank Ltd (i) Assistant Grade-II: 4 Nos. (Gen—1; SC—1; ST—2) Qualification: Higher Secondary with 60% marks OR Graduate AND Basic Computer knowledge course of minimum 6 months duration. Salary: Rs.14727 for HS pass and Rs.16316 for Graduate pass candidates 4. Mugberia Central Co-operative Bank Ltd (i) Assistant Manager (Grade IIB): 2 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: Graduate (with 60% marks in Madhyamik/ H.S level) plus Basic Computer knowledge course of minimum 6 months duration. Salary: Rs.31128/- 5. Burdwan Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank Ltd (i) Supervisor (Grade-III): 7 Nos. (Gen—6; SC—1) Qualification: Graduate plus Basic Computer knowledge course of minimum 6 months duration. Salary: Rs.16480/- 6. Dakshin Dinajpur District Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank (i) Grade - IIB Officer: 2 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: B.Com (Hons) Plus 12 months duration course in Computerized Accounting with Tally. Salary: Rs.11913/- 7. Malda Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank Ltd. (i) Manager: 1 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: Chartered Accountant plus 3 years experience in Financial Sector. Salary: Rs.42667/- (ii) Junior Assistant: 2 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: Higher Secondary or Equivalent with 45% marks plus Basic Computer knowledge course of minimum 6 months duration. Salary: Rs.11913/- 8. Bankura Town Co-operative Bank Ltd (i) Manager (System & Finance): 1 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: MCA OR B.Tech/M.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering. Salary: Rs.23914/- 9. Durgapur Steel Peoples Co-operative Bank Ltd (i) Assistant (Grade-III): 6 Nos. (Gen—5; SC—1) Qualification: B.Com/ B.Sc with 50% marks plus Basic Computer knowledge course of minimum 6 months duration. Salary: Rs.14474/- ADVERTISEMENT NO. 03/2013. Vacancies listed under this notification are as follows — 1. West Bengal Tribal Development Co-operative Corporation Ltd (i) Accountant: 1 Nos. (SC) Qualification: B.Com. (Hons. In Accountancy) plus Basic Computer knowledge course of minimum 6 months duration. OR Chartered Accountant/ Cost Accountant Salary: Rs.18,161/- (ii) Cashier: 1 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: Graduate plus Basic Computer knowledge course of minimum 6 months duration. Salary: Rs.13660/- 2. Bankura Wholesale Consumers' Co-operative Society Ltd. (i) Salesman: 3 Nos. (Gen—1; SC—1; OBC—1) Qualification: Madhyamik or equivalent plus Basic Computer knowledge course of minimum 6 months duration. Salary: Rs.7412/- 3. Murshidabad Wholesale Consumers' Co-operative Society Ltd (i) Manager: 1 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: B.Com. (Hons.) plus one year duration course in Computerized Accounting with Tally. Salary: Rs.13000/- 4. Tapan Co-operative Agricultural Marketing Society Ltd. (i) Salesman – cum- Clerk: 1 Nos. (SC) Qualification: Madhyamik/ Equivalent plus Diploma in Computer Application course of one year duration. Salary: Rs.7319/- 5. Dharampur – Punnagar Samabay Krishi Unnayan Samity Ltd. (i) Manager: 1 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: Graduate plus one year duration course in Computerized Accounting with Tally. Salary: Rs.6100/- (ii) Accountant: 1 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: B.Com plus one year duration course in Computerized Accounting with Tally. Salary: 5800/- 6. Kamdevpur Samabay Krishin Unnayan Samity Ltd. (i) Manager: 1 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: B.Sc./ B.Com. plus Basic Computer knowledge course of minimum 6 months duration. Salary: Rs.7500/- (ii) Accountant – cum- Cashier: 1 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: B.Com plus Basic Computer knowledge course of minimum 6 months duration. Salary: Rs.6500/- (iii) Branch Manager: 1 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: B.Sc/ B.Com. plus Basic Computer knowledge course of minimum 6 months duration. Salary: Rs.6000/- (iv) Branch Accountant cum Cashier: 1 Nos. Qualification: B.Com plus Basic Computer knowledge course of minimum 6 months duration. Salary: Rs.5500/- (v) Head Office Salesman: 1 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: Higher Secondary or equivalent plus Basic Computer knowledge course of minimum 6 months duration. Salary: Rs.5000/- (vi) Brach Salesman: 1 Nos. (Gen) Qualification: Madhyamik/ Equivalent plus Basic Computer knowledge course of minimum 6 months duration. Salary: Rs.4000/- GENERAL NORMS FOR ALL ABOVE POSTS (INCLUDING ADVT. 02/2013 AND ADVT. 03/2013): Age Limit: Upper Age Limit, as on 01/01/2013, is 35 years and 40 years, as applicable to the post. (See the below given link). The Limit is relaxable for SC / ST / OBC / OBC-A / OBC-B candidates by 5 years. Selection of the candidates will be through Written Examination. The syllabus and norms are laid in details in the advertisement issued by the Commission (See below) The Objective Type Written Test for the short-listed candidates will be held tentatively in the month of November, 2013. The short-listed candidates will find their names in the website, www.coopwb.org and have the option for downloading & printing their Admit Cards-cum-Attendance Sheets by visiting the website. No Admit Card will be despatched through postal service All examinations / interviews will be held in Kolkata Metropolitan Area only. How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates may apply on prescribed application format only (Live URL to download the Application form and fee payment challan is given below) An applicant must not submit application for MORE THAN ONE POST CODE against this Advertisement. The Application form must be enclosed with Self-Attested copies of testimonials in support of – Educational Qualification, Computer/ Professional Qualification, Age proof, Caste certificate, Application Fee of Rs.160/- as prescribed below and any other relevant documents. Application Fee: Rs.160/- is to be paid by means of "Fee Payment Challan" through any braches of The West Bengal State Co-operative Bank Ltd. (to the credit of CD A/c No.29312051276 with Kolkata Main Branch) OR through National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT), preferably in the prescribed Form (to be downloaded from www.coopwb.org or www.webcsc.org ) in favour of WEST BENGAL CO-OPERATIVE SERVICE COMMISSION from any NEFT-enabled Branch of the said State Co-operative Bank, Central Co-operative Banks or any other Bank of the country (to the credit of CD A/c No.29312051276 at Kolkata Main Branch of The West Bengal State Co-operative Bank Ltd., having IFS Code WBSC0000001). NO APPLICATION FEE FOR SC/ST CANDIDATES. Last date and Address: The Application form along with enclosures must reach on or before 27/09/2013 (5 PM) at the following address by Speed Post/ Registered Posts/ Courier service — The Secretary, West Bengal Co-operative Service Commission, PWD Buildings, Block–„A‟ [Ground Floor], Khadya Bhawan Complex, 11A, Mirza Ghalib Street, Kolkata-700 087 The Application form can be also dropped in the Drop-Box kept at the above addressed office premises. For complete details, officially released notification and Application form, see the following URL — http://careerguide.karmasandhan.com/Thread-Application-form-Challan-for-recruitment-in-WB-Co-Operative-Service-Commission |
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